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Semidefinite Programming Two-Way TOA Localization for User Devices With Motion and Clock Drift
IEEE Signal Processing Letters ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-11 , DOI: 10.1109/lsp.2021.3064755
Sihao Zhao , Xiao-Ping Zhang , Xiaowei Cui , Mingquan Lu

In two-way time-of-arrival (TOA) systems, a user device (UD) obtains its position by round-trip communications to a number of anchor nodes (ANs) at known locations. The objective function of the maximum likelihood (ML) method for two-way TOA localization is nonconvex. Thus, the widely-adopted Gauss-Newton iterative method to solve the ML estimator usually suffers from the local minima problem. In this letter, we convert the original estimator into a convex problem by relaxation, and develop a new semidefinite programming (SDP) based localization method for moving UDs, namely SDP-M. Numerical result demonstrates that compared with the iterative method, which often fall into local minima, the SDP-M always converge to the global optimal solution and significantly reduces the localization error by more than 40%. It also has stable localization accuracy regardless of the UD movement, and outperforms the conventional method for stationary UDs, which has larger error with growing UD velocity.


