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Nitrate Supply Routes and Impact of Internal Cycling in the North Atlantic Ocean Inferred From Nitrate Isotopic Composition
Global Biogeochemical Cycles ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1029/2020gb006887
F. Deman 1, 2 , D. Fonseca‐Batista 1, 3 , A. Roukaerts 1 , M. I. García‐Ibáñez 4 , E. Le Roy 5 , E. P. D. N. Thilakarathne 1, 6 , M. Elskens 1 , F. Dehairs 1 , F. Fripiat 7

In this study we report full‐depth water column profiles for nitrogen and oxygen isotopic composition (δ15N and δ18O) of nitrate (NO3) during the GEOTRACES GA01 cruise (2014). This transect intersects the double gyre system of the subtropical and subpolar regions of the North Atlantic separated by a strong transition zone, the North Atlantic Current. The distribution of NO3 δ15N and δ18O shows that assimilation by phytoplankton is the main process controlling the NO3 isotopic composition in the upper 150 m, with values increasing in a NO3 δ18O versus δ15N space along a line with a slope of one toward the surface. In the subpolar gyre, a single relationship between the degree of NO3 consumption and residual NO3 δ15N supports the view that NO3 is supplied via Ekman upwelling and deep winter convection, and progressively consumed during the Ekman transport of surface water southward. The co‐occurrence of partial NO3 assimilation and nitrification in the deep mixed layer of the subpolar gyre elevates subsurface NO3 δ18O in comparison to deep oceanic values. This signal propagates through isopycnal exchanges to greater depths at lower latitudes. With recirculation in the subtropical gyre, cycles of quantitative consumption‐nitrification progressively decrease subsurface NO3 δ18O toward the δ18O of regenerated NO3. The low NO3 δ15N observed south of the Subarctic Front is mostly explained by N2 fixation, although a contribution from the Mediterranean outflow is required to explain the lower NO3 δ15N signal observed between 600 and 1500 m depth close to the Iberian margin.



在这项研究中,我们报告为氮和氧的同位素组成全深度水柱型材(δ 15 N和δ 18 O)的硝酸盐(NO 3 - )的GEOTRACES GA01巡航(2014)中。该横断面与北大西洋的亚热带和亚极地区的双回旋系统相交,该双回旋系统被一个强过渡带(北大西洋洋流)分隔开。NO的分布3 - δ 15 N和δ 18 ö表明,通过同化浮游植物是控制NO的主要过程3 -在上部150米同位素组成,其值在增加NO 3 - δ 18ø与δ 15连同一个朝向表面的斜率的线N的空间。在极地环流,NO度之间的单个关系3 -消费和残余NO 3 - δ 15 Ñ支持NO视图3 -是表面的埃克曼运输期间经由埃克曼上升流和深冬季对流供给,并逐渐消耗水向南。局部NO的共现3 -同化和硝化作用的副极地环流提升地下深混合层NO 3 - δ 18与深海值相比是O。该信号通过等渗交换传播到较低纬度的更大深度。在亚热带环流再循环,定量消耗硝化的周期逐渐减小地下NO 3 - δ 18 O侧向的δ 18再生的NO的O- 3 - 。低NO 3 - δ 15 Ñ南观察到的亚北极阵线大多由N个说明2固定,虽然从地中海流出一个贡献是必需的来解释下NO 3 - δ 15在接近伊比利亚边界的600至1500 m深度之间观察到N信号。