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Regulation & Governance ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1111/rego.12393

In Mathieu et al. (2017), the second equation in Table 3 was published incorrectly. The second number ‘1’ in the numerator should be changed to ‘i’. The correct equation is presented in the table below.

Table 3. Equations used in the calculation of the indices
Equations Variables Description
urn:x-wiley:17485983:media:rego12393:rego12393-math-0001 OP Organizational Proliferation Index
a Number of actors in the regulatory arrangement
i Number of issues in the regulatory arrangement
urn:x-wiley:17485983:media:rego12393:rego12393-math-0002 Co Coordination Index
aj Number of actors involved in the decision over the issue number j
urn:x-wiley:17485983:media:rego12393:rego12393-math-0003 AI Actor Influence Index
AI(Ak) Actor Influence of Actor number k on the whole regulatory arrangement
AI(AkIj) Actor Influence of Actor number k on the issue number j
urn:x-wiley:17485983:media:rego12393:rego12393-math-0004 Cc Concentration Index
AI(Amax) Actor Influence of most influent actor of the regulatory arrangement

We apologize for the error and any inconvenience it may have caused.



在Mathieu等人中。(2017),表3中的第二个方程被错误地发布了。分子中的第二个数字“ 1”应更改为“ i ”。下表中显示了正确的方程式。

方程式 变数 描述
骨灰盒:x-wiley:17485983:media:rego12393:rego12393-math-0001 OP 组织扩散指数
一个 监管安排中的行为者数量
一世 监管安排中的问题数量
骨灰盒:x-wiley:17485983:media:rego12393:rego12393-math-0002 有限公司 协调指数
j 有关问题编号j的决定中涉及的参与者人数
骨灰盒:x-wiley:17485983:media:rego12393:rego12393-math-0003 人工智能 演员影响指数
AI(Ak) 演员演员数k对整个规章制度的影响
AI(AkIj) 演员演员编号k对发行编号j的影响
骨灰盒:x-wiley:17485983:media:rego12393:rego12393-math-0004 抄送 浓度指数
AI(最大) 演员最具影响力的演员的监管安排

