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The temporal analysis of light pollution in Turkey using VIIRS data
Astrophysics and Space Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10509-021-03942-6
S. K. Yerli , N. Aksaker , M. Bayazit , Z. Kurt , A. Aktay , M. A. Erdoğan

Artificial Light pollution (AL) in Turkey and in Turkish observatories between 2012–2020 have been studied using the archival data of Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument. The astroGIS database has been used in processing the data (astrogis.org) Aksaker et al. (2020a). The total energy released to space from Turkey increased by 80% in 2019 with respect to 2012. In the span of the dataset, a steady and continuous increase has been observed throughout all cities of the country. On the other hand, Dark Sky Park locations, East and Southeast Anatolian regions and mostly rural areas around the cities kept their AL level constant. Four demographic parameters have been studied and they were found to be correlated very well with AL: Population (\(R \simeq 0.90\)); GDP (\(R \simeq 0.87\)); Total Power Consumption (\(R \simeq 0.66\)) and Outdoor Lightening (\(R \simeq 0.67\)). Contrary to countries acting to prevent AL increases, Turkey seems to be at the beginning of an era where AL will arithmetically increase throughout the country and enormous amount of energy will continuously escape to space and therefore will be wasted. Therefore, a preventive legislation, especially for invaluable astronomical site locations such as TURAG, TUG, DAG and ÇAAM where each is counted as a truly dark site due to their SQM values, has to be enacted in Turkey, in very near future.



使用可见红外成像辐射计套件(VIIRS)仪器的档案数据对土耳其和土耳其天文台之间的人工光污染(AL)进行了研究。astroGIS数据库已用于处理数据(astrogis.org)Aksaker等。(2020a)。相对于2012年,土耳其从2019年向太空释放的能源总量增加了80%。在数据集中,整个国家的所有城市都在持续稳定地增长。另一方面,黑暗天空公园的所在地,安纳托利亚东部和东南部地区以及城市周围的大部分农村地区保持AL水平不变。研究了四个人口统计学参数,发现它们与AL有很好的相关性:人口(\(R \ simeq 0.90 \));国内生产总值\(R \ simeq 0.87 \)); 总功耗(\(R \ simeq 0.66 \))和户外照明(\(R \ simeq 0.67 \))。与阻止AL增加的国家相反,土耳其似乎正处于AL在整个国家算术增加的时代之初,大量能源将不断逃逸到太空,因此将被浪费。因此,必须在不久的将来在土耳其颁布一项预防性立法,尤其是针对TURAG,TUG,DAG和ÇAAM等珍贵的天文站点位置,由于其SQM值而被视为真正的黑暗站点。
