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A Case of Lung Cancer with Brain Metastasis following Late-Onset Bipolar Disorder
Behavioural Neurology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/8880539
Shin-Heng Shen, Shwu-Hua Lee

Objective. To describe a case of lung cancer with brain metastasis in a patient who developed new late-onset bipolar disorder 2 years previously. Background. The typical onset age of bipolar disorder is approximately 20, and the first episode is usually a depressive episode. It is still not clear which age-specific factors contribute to the underlying risk. Materials and Methods. A 65-year-old male patient presented with a new-onset manic episode characterized by labile mood, impulsivity, decreased need for sleep, and grandiosity. He was diagnosed with late-onset bipolar disorder after excluding other possible physiological conditions. He was hospitalized in the acute psychiatric ward, and a combination of mood stabilizers and antipsychotics was prescribed. His mental condition improved, and he remained stable for 2 years. However, he experienced abrupt cognitive decline for 2 months and was referred to the emergency room for physiological examination. Results. The patient was diagnosed with lung cancer with brain metastasis by brain magnetic resonance imaging and whole-body positron emission tomography. Conclusion. In geriatric patients, who are at high risk of multiple medical conditions, excluding secondary causes of bipolar disorder is important.



客观。描述 2 年前出现新的迟发性双相情感障碍患者的肺癌脑转移病例。背景。双相情感障碍的典型发病年龄约为 20 岁,首发通常是抑郁发作。目前尚不清楚哪些特定年龄的因素会导致潜在风险。材料和方法. 一名 65 岁男性患者出现新发的躁狂发作,其特征是情绪不稳定、冲动、睡眠需求减少和自大。在排除其他可能的生理状况后,他被诊断出患有迟发性双相情感障碍。他在急性精神病病房住院,并开具了情绪稳定剂和抗精神病药的组合。他的精神状况有所好转,并保持稳定2年。然而,他的认知能力突然下降了 2 个月,并被转至急诊室进行生理检查。结果。该患者经脑磁共振成像和全身正电子发射断层扫描诊断为肺癌脑转移。结论. 对于患有多种疾病的高风险老年患者,排除双相情感障碍的继发性原因很重要。