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Debate: Quantity of impatient beds and quality of child psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care provision – a German perspective
Child and Adolescent Mental Health ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1111/camh.12468
Isabel Boege 1, 2 , Joerg M Fegert 1

Provision of care for children with mental health disorders or behavioural difficulties differs from country to country. Historically, Germany has the highest number of inpatient beds throughout Europe (64 inpatient beds per 100,000 young people). In addition, nearly 146 departments for child and adolescent psychiatry offer day‐care beds as well as ambulatory care. A high number of resident child and adolescent psychiatrists/psychotherapists (more than 12,000 professionals) complement provision of care in the different regions of Germany. Yet, only 50% of children and adolescents with mental health problems receive the treatment they need. Barriers to care – for example lack of transportation, fear of stigmatization, long distances in rural regions or fear of long hospital inpatient stays – keep families from presenting their child/adolescent to the relevant institutions. Recently, a new treatment module: StäB, an intensive daily home treatment, delivered by a multiprofessional team, has been added to the portfolio of treatment options in Germany. This closes the gap between highly intensive inpatient care and low‐frequency outpatient treatment, allowing a continuum of care in intensity and frequency within the treatment alternatives.



为患有精神健康障碍或行为困难的儿童提供的护理因国家而异。从历史上看,德国拥有全欧洲最多的住院床位(每 100,000 名年轻人中有 64 张住院床位)。此外,近 146 个儿童和青少年精神病科提供日间护理床位和门诊护理。大量常驻儿童和青少年精神科医生/心理治疗师(超过 12,000 名专业人员)补充了德国不同地区的护理服务。然而,只有 50% 的有心理健康问题的儿童和青少年得到了他们需要的治疗。护理障碍——例如缺乏交通、害怕被污名化、在农村地区长途跋涉或担心住院时间过长——让家庭不要将他们的孩子/青少年带到相关机构。最近,一个新的治疗模块:StäB,一种由多专业团队提供的强化日常家庭治疗,已被添加到德国的治疗选择组合中。这缩小了高度重症住院治疗和低频门诊治疗之间的差距,允许在治疗方案中进行强度和频率的连续护理。