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Andean orogeny and the diversification of lowland neotropical rain forest trees: A case study in Sapotaceae
Global and Planetary Change ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103481
Julieth Serrano , James E. Richardson , Richard I. Milne , G. Ariadna Mondragon , Julie A. Hawkins , Igor V. Bartish , Mailyn Gonzalez , Jérôme Chave , Santiago Madriñán , Dairon Cárdenas , S. Dayana Sanchez , Rocio Cortés-B , R. Toby Pennington

Understanding how species diversify and evolve in species-rich areas like the lowland rain forest in the Neotropics is critical for conservation in times of unprecedented threats. To determine how the Andean uplift, the formation of the Panama land bridge, and Pleistocene climatic fluctuations affected dispersal and diversification in the Sapotaceae subfamily Chrysophylloideae, we collected 146 Chrysophylloideae accessions in previously under-explored areas, generating one of the most geographically complete data sets for neotropical Sapotaceae. Sapotaceae is a good model to test diversification hypotheses in lowland neotropical rain forests as it predominantly occurs <1000 m altitude, and it is an abundant and species-rich group in this biome. We generated a time calibrated phylogeny of 123 Sapotaceae species based upon the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region that suggests migration between lineages to the east and the west Andean Cordilleras occurred before and after periods of major uplift, indicating that the Andes did not represent a significant barrier to dispersal for Sapotaceae, although it may have promoted vicariance in some cases. Dispersal between South and Central America occurred mainly prior to the formation of the Panama land bridge, suggesting that this event did not affect migration patterns in Chrysophylloideae. We inferred diversification rates and detected three shifts in the phylogeny, but they are not congruent with tectonic movements during the middle Miocene and climatic changes during the Pleistocene. Finally, some species with restricted distributions appear to be phylogenetically nested within species with broader ranges, suggesting ancestor descendent relationships and insights into patterns of speciation in rain forest trees.



了解物种如何在物种丰富的地区(如新热带地区的低地雨林)中多样化和进化,对于在面临前所未有的威胁时进行保护至关重要。为了确定安第斯山脉的隆升,巴拿马陆桥的形成以及更新世的气候波动如何影响了蝶形科亚科蝶形科的扩散和多样化,我们收集了先前勘探不足地区的146枚蝶形科材料,产生了地理上最完整的数据集之一用于新热带仙人掌科。蝶形花科是测试低地新热带雨林多样性假设的一个很好的模型,因为它主要发生在海拔<1000 m的地方,并且是这个生物群落中一个丰富且物种丰富的群体。我们基于核糖体内部转录间隔区产生了123种Sapotaceae物种的经过时间校准的系统发育,这表明在东部和西部山脉之间的迁徙发生在大隆升时期之前和之后,这表明安第斯山脉并不代表重要的隆升时期。壶菌科的传播障碍,尽管在某些情况下可能促进了变异。南美和中美洲之间的扩散主要发生在巴拿马陆桥形成之前,这表明该事件并未影响金蝶科的迁移方式。我们推断出多样化的速率,并在系统发育上发现了三个转变,但它们与中新世中期的构造运动和更新世的气候变化并不相称。最后,
