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Study of gamma radiation shielding efficiency with radiation-resistant Bi2O3-TeO2-WO3 ceramics
Solid State Sciences ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2021.106604
A. Temir , K. Zhumadilov , М. Zdorovets , A. Kozlovskiy , A. Trukhanov

This paper presents the results of a study of the efficiency of shielding gamma radiation with an energy of Co57 (136 keV), Cs137 (661 keV), Na22 (1274 keV) source by Bi2O3-TeO2-WO3 ceramics. During the studies of the shielding efficiency, it was found that an increase in the thickness of ceramics to 0.3–0.4 mm leads to a sharp increase in the shielding efficiency up to 25–50% of radiation, while the shielding efficiency for ceramics with a thickness of 0.1–0.2 mm was no more than 3–9%. The peculiarity of this work from the already known ones is that the conditions of synthesis and subsequent thermal sintering, selected experimentally, make it possible to obtain ceramics with a stable Bi2Te2W3O16 phase, while in most works the samples under study are amorphous or amorphous-like structures.


耐辐射Bi 2 O 3 -TeO 2 -WO 3陶瓷对γ辐射屏蔽效率的研究

本文介绍了通过Bi 2 O 3 -TeO 2 -WO屏蔽Co 57(136 keV),Cs 137(661 keV),Na 22(1274 keV)源的γ辐射效率的研究结果。3陶瓷。在研究屏蔽效率时,发现陶瓷厚度增加到0.3–0.4 mm会导致高达25–50%的辐射的屏蔽效率急剧增加,而陶瓷的屏蔽效率却高达25–50%。 0.1–0.2 mm的厚度不超过3–9%。这项工作与已知工作的不同之处在于,通过实验选择的合成条件和随后的热烧结条件使得可以获得具有稳定的Bi 2 Te 2 W 3 O 16相的陶瓷成为可能,而在大多数工作中,样品在研究的是非晶或类非晶结构。
