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Tactical-operational coordination of a divergent production system with coproduction: the sawmilling challenge
INFOR ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1080/03155986.2021.1906057
Ludwig Dumetz 1 , Jonathan Gaudreault 1 , Hind Bril El-Haouzi 2 , André Thomas 2 , Nadia Lehoux 1 , Philippe Marier 1


Various optimization tools have been used in industry to facilitate production planning at different levels of aggregation. Choosing the interoperability mechanisms of these systems, such as the planning frequencies, the information passed between them and the interpretation that other systems must make of them, has always been a challenge. This work focusses on production planning at the tactical and operational levels in North American sawmills, a commodity industry characterized by volatile prices and a divergent production process with coproduction. In this context, tactical planning produces aggregated plans, and information from these plans can be used as targets and/or constraints at the operational level (e.g., quantities to be produced/kept in stock per product and per period, sales targets, etc.). A simulation of this production system was therefore developed, encompassing the planning process and the market dynamic, to compare and evaluate the impact of different coordination approaches on business economic performance. Results showed that the type of information which should be shared from the tactical level to the operational level varies according to several factors, including the company’s order acceptance policy, price seasonality, and the presence or absence of overcapacity on the market.

  • Highlights
  • A simulation approach is used to evaluate coordination between tactical and operational planning

  • The context of North American sawmills is the one investigated

  • The production and the planning process as well as the market behavior is considered

  • Results show that the information shared between the two levels impact the income

  • The order acceptance policy chosen also has an influence on the revenue generated




工业中已使用各种优化工具来促进不同聚合级别的生产计划。选择这些系统的互操作性机制,例如规划频率、它们之间传递的信息以及其他系统必须对它们做出的解释,一直是一个挑战。这项工作的重点是北美锯木厂的战术和运营层面的生产计划,这是一个以价格波动和联合生产的不同生产过程为特征的大宗商品行业。在这种情况下,战术计划会生成汇总计划,这些计划中的信息可用作运营级别的目标和/或约束(例如,每个产品和每个时期的生产/库存数量、销售目标等。 )。因此开发了该生产系统的模拟,包括规划过程和市场动态,以比较和评估不同协调方法对企业经济绩效的影响。结果表明,从战术层面到运营层面应该共享的信息类型因几个因素而异,包括公司的订单接受政策、价格季节性以及市场上是否存在产能过剩。

  • 强调
  • 模拟方法用于评估战术和作战计划之间的协调

  • 北美锯木厂的背景是调查的对象

  • 考虑生产和计划过程以及市场行为

  • 结果表明,两个级别之间共享的信息会影响收入

  • 选择的订单接受政策也会影响产生的收入
