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Review of the genus Senotainia Macquart, 1846 (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) of the Middle East
Journal of Natural History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-11 , DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2020.1854361
Yuriy G. Verves 1 , Liudmyla Khrokalo 2


This paper is based on a revision of recent collections (about 100 specimens) housed at Tel Aviv University, the Natural History Museum (London) and Zoological Institute (Saint Petersburg). Short characteristics of the genus Senotainia Macquart, 1846, descriptions of 4 new species, designations of 3 lectotypes, and one new synonym, key and comments of all Middle Eastern species are given. S. flava Verves and Khrokalo, sp. n., S. laetans Verves and Khrokalo, sp. n. and S. similis Verves and Khrokalo, sp. n. are described from Israel, and one (S. paradeserta Verves and Khrokalo, sp. n.) – from Israel and Egypt. One new synonym is given: S. deserta = S. deserta aegyptiaca, syn. n. The lectotypes are designated for S. caspica, S. gobica, and S. turkmenica. Paralectotype is designated for S. gobica. Fourteen species of Senotainia are known from the Middle East, in particular from Cyprus (1 species), Egypt (6, including 1 firstly recorded), Iran (5), Israel (10, including 9 firstly recorded), Jordan (2), Saudi Arabia (2, including 1 firstly recorded), Syria (1), Turkey (4), and United Arab Emirates (1).



回顾Senotainia Macquart属,1846年(双翅目:石棺科)


本文基于对特拉维夫大学,自然历史博物馆(伦敦)和动物学研究所(圣彼得堡)最新馆藏(约100个标本)的修订。Senotainia Macquart属的简短特征,1846年,描述了4个新物种,指定了3个选型,并给出了所有中东物种的一个新同义词,关键和注释。S. flava Verves和Khrokalo,sp。n。,S。laetans Verves和Khrokalo,sp。。和S. similis Verves和Khrokalo,sp。。是从以色列描述的,还有一个(S. paradeserta Verves和Khrokalo,sp。n。)–是从以色列和埃及描述的。给出了一个新的同义词:S. deserta = S. deserta aegyptiaca,同义。。选型被指定为S. caspica,S。gobicaS. turkmenica。拟定型被指定用于S. gobica。从中东地区已知有14种Senotainia,特别是塞浦路斯(1种),埃及(6种,包括首次记录的1种),伊朗(5种),以色列(10种,包括首先记录的9种),约旦(2种),沙特阿拉伯(2个,其中首先记录1个),叙利亚(1个),土耳其(4个)和阿拉伯联合酋长国(1个)。

