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Sewanee Review ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Elliot Ackerman is the author of several books, most recently the novel 2034. His work has been nominated for the National Book Award, the Andrew Carnegie Medal in both fiction and nonfiction, and the Dayton Literary Peace Prize. He divides his time between New York City and Washington, DC.

Daniel Anderson has published three books of poems: The Night Guard at the Wilberforce Hotel, Drunk in Sunlight, and January Rain. He teaches on the faculty of the MFA Program at the University of Oregon.

Monica Black is Associate Professor of History at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her book, A Demon-Haunted Land: Witches, Wonder Doctors, and the Ghosts of the Past in Post-WWII Germany was published in 2020 by Metropolitan.

Rachel Cusk is the author of Outline, Transit, and Kudos; the memoirs A Life's Work, The Last Supper, and Aftermath; and several other novels. Her next novel, Second Place, will be published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux in May 2021.

Katy Didden is the author of The Glacier's Wake (Pleiades Press 2013) and a forthcoming collection of multimodal erasure poems: Ore Choir: The Lava on Iceland (Tupelo Press 2022). She is an assistant professor at Ball State University.

Sidik Fofana received an MFA in creative writing from NYU and teaches high school in Brooklyn. His collection Stories from Our Tenants Downstairs is forthcoming from Scribner in 2021.

Brandon Haffner's stories appear in the Harvard Review, Beloit Fiction Journal, upstreet, the Carolina Quarterly, and elsewhere. He teaches creative writing at Longwood University and lives in Richmond, Virginia.

David H. Lynn was the editor of the Kenyon Review from 1994–2020 and is now editor emeritus, as well as professor of English at Kenyon College. He received an O. Henry Prize in 2016 for the short story "Divergence." His latest collection, Children of God: New & Selected Stories, was published in 2019 by Braddock Avenue Books.

Corey Marks is the author of Renunciation and The Radio Tree. He teaches at the University of North Texas.

Shane McCrae's most recent books are Sometimes I Never Suffered and The Gilded Auction Block, both published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. He lives in New York City and teaches at Columbia University.

Lorrie Moore is the author of stories and novels as well as a recent collection of thirty-five years of nonfiction. She teaches at Vanderbilt University.

Merritt Moseley is a retired English professor whose first contribution to the Sewanee Review appeared in Fall 1980.

John Psaropoulos studied ancient Greek at King's College London. He is now an independent journalist based in Athens, where he is Al Jazeera's accredited correspondent. His work has appeared in the American Scholar, the Critic, the Spectator, the Times Literary Supplement, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post, among others.

Michael Prior's poems have appeared in the New Republic, Poetry, Poetry Northwest, Narrative, the Academy of American Poets' Poem-a-Day series, and the Asian American Writers' Workshop's The Margins. He is the author of Burning Province (McClelland & Stewart/Penguin Random House 2020) and Model Disciple (Véhicule Press 2016).

Paisley Rekdal's most recent collection of poems is Nightingale (Copper Canyon Press 2019). Her newest book of nonfiction, Appropriate: A Provocation (W. W. Norton 2021), examines cultural appropriation in literature.

Adam Ross is the editor of the Sewanee Review, as well as the author of the novel Mr. Peanut and the short story collection Ladies and Gentlemen.

Brandon Taylor is the author of the novel Real Life, which was shortlisted for the Booker Prize. His stories and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in The Cut, the New Yorker online, the New York Times, A Public Space, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere. His story collection Filthy Animals is forthcoming from Riverhead Books.

Copyright © 2021 The University of the South ...




  • 贡献者

艾略特·阿克曼Elliot Ackerman)是几本书的作者,最近出版的小说是《2034》。他的作品获得了国家图书奖,小说和非小说类作品的安德鲁·卡内基奖章以及代顿文学和平奖的提名。他将时间分配在纽约市和华盛顿特区之间。

丹尼尔·安德森(Daniel Anderson)出版了三本诗集:《威尔伯福斯饭店的守夜人》,《阳光下的醉汉》和《一月雨》。他在俄勒冈大学的MFA计划系任教。

莫妮卡·布莱克Monica Black)是诺克斯维尔田纳西大学历史系副教授。她的书《恶魔困扰的土地:第二次世界大战后德国的魔女,神奇博士和过去的鬼魂》于2020年由大都会出版。

Rachel CuskOutline,TransitKudos的作者;回忆录《一生的工作,最后的晚餐后果》;和其他几本小说。她的下一部小说《第二名》将于2021年5月由Farrar,Straus和Giroux出版。

凯蒂·迪登Katy Didden)《冰川的苏醒》(Pleiades出版社,2013年)的作者,并且即将出版的多模式擦除诗集:《矿石合唱团:冰岛的熔岩》(图珀洛出版社,2022年)。她是鲍尔州立大学的助理教授。

Sidik Fofana从纽约大学获得创意写作硕士学位,并在布鲁克林高中任教。他的作品集《楼下的房客的故事》将于2021年从Scribner推出。

布兰登·哈夫纳Brandon Haffner)的故事出现在《哈佛评论》,《 Beloit Fiction Journal》,upstreet,《卡罗来纳州季刊》和其他地方。他在朗伍德大学(Longwood University)教授创意写作,目前居住在弗吉尼亚州里士满(Richmond)。

戴维·H·林恩David H. Lynn)从1994年至2020年担任《肯尼恩评论》(Kenyon Review)的编辑,现在是名誉编辑,以及肯尼恩学院(Kenyon College)的英语教授。他因短篇小说“ Divergence”而于2016年获得O. Henry奖。他的最新作品《上帝的孩子:新故事与精选故事》于2019年由Braddock Avenue Books出版。

科里·马克斯Corey Marks)是《放弃》《无线电树》的作者。他在北德克萨斯大学任教。

Shane McCrae的最新著作是《有时我永远不会受苦》《镀金的拍卖行》,均由Farrar,Straus和Giroux出版。他住在纽约市,并在哥伦比亚大学任教。

洛里·摩尔Lorrie Moore)是故事和小说的作者,也是近三十五年来非小说类作品的集合。她在范德比尔特大学(Vanderbilt University)任教。

梅里特·莫斯利Merritt Moseley)是一位退休的英国教授,他对《Sewanee评论》的第一篇著作发表于1980年秋天。

约翰·帕萨罗普洛斯(John Psaropoulos)在伦敦国王学院学习古希腊语。他现在是驻雅典的独立记者,是半岛电视台(Al Jazeera)认可的记者。他的作品曾出现在《美国学者》,《评论家》,《观众》,《泰晤士报》文学增刊,《华尔街日报》和《华盛顿邮报》等杂志上。

迈克尔·普里尔(Michael Prior)的诗歌曾出现在《新共和国》,《诗歌》,《西北诗歌》,《叙事》,美国诗人学院的《一日之诗》系列以及亚裔美国人作家工作室的《边缘》中。他是《燃烧的省》(McClelland&Stewart / Penguin Random House 2020)和模型门徒(VéhiculePress 2016)的作者。

佩斯利·雷克达尔Paisley Rekdal)最近的诗集是《夜莺》(Copper Canyon Press 2019)。她最新的非小说类书籍《适当:一种挑衅》(WW Norton 2021)探讨了文学中的文化占有。

亚当·罗斯Adam Ross)是《塞瓦尼评论》(Sewanee Review)的编辑,也是小说《花生先生》(Mr. Peanut)和短篇小说集《女士们先生们》(Ladies and Gentlemen)的作者

布兰登·泰勒Brandon Taylor)是小说《现实生活》的作者,该小说入围了布克奖。他的故事和文章在The Cut《纽约客》在线版,《纽约时报》,《公共空间》,《墨西哥湾沿岸》以及其他地方已经出现或即将出版。他的故事集《肮脏的动物》将从Riverhead Books发行。

