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Four Poems
Sewanee Review ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01
Shane McCrae

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Four Poems
  • Shane McCrae (bio)

To Nicholas From My Absence

You are now you have been you are now seventeenWhen I was seventeen I had theYear before met my fatherWhom I had known before but I had been

Kidnapped for thirteen years and thousandsOf miles away in nowhere he would think to look for meBut I know where you are and weKnow where we are I send you texts and you send

Texts back from fewer thousands ofMiles from it's Maps I just checked says it's fifteen hundred milesAway from fifteen hundred miles away [End Page 268] When I was seventeen I couldn't loveMy father like his childWhom I had been when I was three I am a blank where I should be [End Page 269]

The Professor

The air is colder than the light in the airNo fog no smoke but the light hangs on the airLike fog like smoke I'm walking to the bakeryOn Amsterdam across from the cathedral

A middle-aged man wearing a tweed cap andA limp blue Members Only jacket passes meAnd a black face mask with a white skullPrinted on it but death is a professor everywhere

What have you learned he asksWhat do you knowI turn the corner and the sidewalk's full of stu-dents everybody's parents sent them hoping

Back elsewhere the professor hangs his jacket on his chairSighs off his cap tightens his mask [End Page 270]

Arm in the Excavator's Shovel

The excavation ripples through the bodyThe skeleton in dirt the dirt at certainDepths relative to the skeleton corre- sponds to the shape of the living person

Thus anyone with the right coordinatesCould dig the shape of the person from the dirtBut made of dirt but with his skeleton Inside it would it be an it

When cradled in the living arms of the workerBecause no excavator has yet beenDesigned to fear the thing it rips from the dirt No excavator would be gen-

tle enough not to break the simulac-rum from its bone original and frame [End Page 271] Or would the crumbling shape become a him The excavator tears an arm

Off and it dangles from the shovel asClumps of dirt fall through the shovel's teeth meat cookedFrom the bone the shovel raised to the sky a mouth Gaping forever and a sac-

rificial altar if one's it the otherMust be him a worker waves her armsThe skull at her feet but who does not praise The mouth to whom the body comes [End Page 272]

That Time is a Refining Fire

being a recapitulation of the "Fresh Eyes for a Fresh World" sections of Sometimes I Never Suffered

As Earth began with first each fewTen million years then hundred thousand thenTen thousand thousand hundred ten and nowEach week almost each day began

To seem like Heaven more like Heaven in his eyesThe hastily assembled angel moreSlowly as time moved forward seemed at leastTo move things changed and time seemed to be there

Somewhere between the insides of and out-side changing things and each new generationOf human beings saw most familiar things replaced and mostHow else could they survive the angel [End Page 273] Wondered most thought Obsolete things return improved in timeAnd time connects them to the versions ofThemselves that were once themAnd are not now as we will be ourselves

In better lives but still ourselves in the futureAnd we will feel a happiness then weDon't feel we can't feel now ourAnticipation is its echo and sustains us the hastily

Assembled angel struggled not to butForgot what Heaven was like and only slowedBy struggling forgetting whatHe best remembers he's not sure he knows

The colors he remembers all the colorsOf Heaven but in Heaven he hadn't learned [End Page 274] The differences between colors and all theColors were one color like one fire...




  • 四首诗
  • 肖恩·麦克莱(Shane McCrae)(生物)




我刚刚检查过的地图从不到几千英里处发的短信说,距离一千五百英里之外只有一千五百英里[End Page 268] 当我十七岁的时候,我不能爱我的父亲,就像他的孩子一样,我在那时3我应该在空白处[结束页269]





教授又回到了其他地方,将外套挂在椅子上,叹了口气,收紧了面具[End Page 270]


The excavation ripples through the bodyThe skeleton in dirt the dirt at certainDepths relative to the skeleton corre- sponds to the shape of the living person

Thus anyone with the right coordinatesCould dig the shape of the person from the dirtBut made of dirt but with his skeleton Inside it would it be an it

When cradled in the living arms of the workerBecause no excavator has yet beenDesigned to fear the thing it rips from the dirt No excavator would be gen-

tle enough not to break the simulac-rum from its bone original and frame [End Page 271] Or would the crumbling shape become a him The excavator tears an arm







的内部和OUT-之间的某个侧面改变的东西,每一代新人类看到最熟悉的东西所取代,最他们还能怎样生存下来的天使[尾页273] 想知道大多数人认为过时的东西返回时间提高而时间将它们连接到曾经的他们自己的版本,而不是现在,因为我们将成为我们自己



他记得所有的颜色,但他还没有学会天堂[End Page 274] 颜色与所有颜色之间的区别是一种颜色,就像一团火...
