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Journal of Education Finance ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01
Sharda Jackson Smith

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Connecticut
  • Sharda Jackson Smith (bio) and

funding priorities for p-12 and higher education

In the latest state budget, Connecticut continued to embrace the idea of shared services, models of consolidation, and fiscal savings across districts. Ned Lamont, the Connecticut Governor, laid out the state priority, noting that over 26 percent of FY 2020's general fund dollars would be devoted to education, museums, and libraries. With teacher recruitment of diverse populations as an area of emphasis for the state, the Governor's proposal provided "$262,500 each year under the Department of Education (DOE) to aid schools in recruiting minority teachers and $320,134 in the Office of Higher Education for Minority Teachers Incentives, which assists minority students pursuing careers in education."1 Highlighted areas2 of aid included:

  • • Honoring education cost sharing formula funding increases

  • • Honoring commitments to education and minority teacher recruitment

  • • Sharing the normal costs for teacher retirement with municipalities

  • • Working collaboratively with school districts to reduce the costs

  • • Maintaining commitment to Care 4 Kids funding

  • • Maintaining funding for higher education (HE)

Connecticut pursued an initiative to retain graduates through the Learn Here, Live Here program. Stakeholders urged the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development to establish the program to help graduates of any institution of HE or certain certificate programs of private occupational schools save toward a down payment on their first home in the state by saving a portion of their state income tax payments for up to ten years after they graduate.3

changes to the funding formula for p-12 and higher education

Connecticut's Education Cost Sharing (ECS) funding formula, the primary state contribution equalization program, continues to be a student-based foundation program. The most recent budget articulated categorical areas to increase, sustain, and eliminate funding. Some of the recommended funding adjustments included the elimination of funding for the Leadership, Education, Athletics in Partnership program, [End Page 257] the Connecticut Writing Project, the Bridge to Success program, the Parent Trust Fund, and the Young Parents Program.4 Additionally, a bill that was referred to the Committee on Education is seeking to exclude any funds received concerning a school infrastructure security grant from the calculation of a school district's minimum budget requirement.5

pressing state issues affecting p-12 and higher education funding

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, P-12 emphasis was placed on equitable access to technology and high quality online curriculum, education recovery and reopening schools, as well as social-emotional well-being. The DOE communicated that fiscal and budgetary considerations were imperative.6 The Legislature introduced a bill that was referred to the Joint Committee on Higher Education and Employment Advancement to provide adequate funding and support to Connecticut's public institutions of higher education in order to ensure their future growth and success.7 Although higher education funding continues to be an area that presents fiscal challenges, the Governor allocated "appropriations of $16.2 million for community colleges and $13.5 million at the [University of Connecticut] Health Center to support fringe benefits outside of the state's General Fund."8 There was interest in requiring the Board of Regents for Higher Education to include the central office in the itemization of its budget request.9 Categories included the income from student fees or related charges; the proceeds of auxiliary activities and business enterprises, gifts and donations; federal funds/grants for purposes other than research; and all receipts derived from the conduct by the colleges of their education extension programs/summer school sessions.

exclusive to p-12

Sensitive to the climate of equitable school choice, the Legislature presented a bill concerning revision to the ECS formula to include magnet schools, charter schools, and technical education and career schools.10 In pursuit to increase enrollment in P-12 choice programs, the Governor doubled the recommended budget from $5,425,891 in FY 2020 to $11,659,136 in FY 2021.

state per-pupil expenditures11

$9,532 [End Page 258]

allocation of state dollars12


percent of the state budget13

17.9 percent [End Page 259]

Sharda Jackson Smith

Sharda Jackson Smith is Associate Professor at the University of South...




  • 康乃狄克州
  • 沙达·杰克逊·史密斯(Sharda Jackson Smith)(生物)和

p -12和高等教育的资助重点

在最新的州预算中,康涅狄格州继续接受共享服务,整合模式和跨地区财政节省的想法。康涅狄格州州长内德·拉蒙特(Ned Lamont)提出了州优先事项,并指出2020财年普通资金的26%以上将用于教育,博物馆和图书馆。州政府将重点放在招募不同人群的教师上,总督的提议“在教育部下每年拨款262,500美元,以帮助学校招募少数民族教师,在高等教育办公室中,为少数民族教师提供的奖励为320,134美元。 ,协助少数族裔学生从事教育事业。” 1重点援助领域2包括:

  • •兑现教育费用分摊公式资金的增加

  • •兑现对教育和少数民族教师招募的承诺

  • •与市政府分担教师退休的正常费用

  • •与学区合作以降低成本

  • •维持对Care 4 Kids资助的承诺

  • •维持高等教育经费(HE)


p -12和高等教育的资助公式的变化

康涅狄格州的教育成本分担(ECS)资助公式(主要的州缴费均等计划)继续是基于学生的基金会计划。最近的预算明确规定了增加,维持和消除供资的类别领域。建议的一些资金调整包括:取消领导,教育,田径合作计划,[End Page 257]康涅狄格州写作计划,通往成功的桥梁计划,父母信托基金和年轻父母计划的资金。4此外,提交教育委员会的一项法案试图将所收到的与学校基础设施安全补助金有关的任何资金从计算学区的最低预算要求中排除。5

影响p -12和高等教育经费的紧迫国家问题

为了应对COVID-19大流行,P-12的重点是公平获取技术和高质量的在线课程,恢复教育和重新开放学校以及社会情感福祉。DOE表示必须考虑财政和预算因素。6立法机关提出了一项法案,该法案已提交给高等教育和就业促进联合委员会,以向康涅狄格州的公共高等教育机构提供充足的资金和支持,以确保其未来的增长和成功。7尽管高等教育经费仍然是一个面临财政挑战的领域,州长拨款“为社区大学拨款1,620万美元,向康涅狄格大学健康中心拨款1,350万美元,以支持该州普通基金以外的附带福利。” 8有兴趣要求高等教育管理委员会在其预算要求的逐项列出中包括中央办公室。9个类别包括学生费或相关收费的收入;辅助活动和企业的收益,礼物和捐赠;联邦资金/赠款,用于研究以外的其他目的;和所有收据均来自各大学的教育推广计划/暑期学校的行为。

p -12专用



$ 9,532 [结束页258]


$ 8,551,196,156



沙达·杰克逊·史密斯(Sharda Jackson Smith)

沙达·杰克逊·史密斯(Sharda Jackson Smith)是南大学(University of South ...
