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Journal of Education Finance ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01
Lou L. Sabina

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Florida
  • Lou L. Sabina (bio)

2020 has been a year of ups and downs for educational finance in the State of Florida. COVID-19 has impacted what current Governor, Republican Ron DeSantis, forecasted to be the year of the teacher, in which starting teacher salaries were to be raised to $47,500 across the entire state.1 While COVID-19 delayed the immediate funding of this initiative at the start of the 2020 school year, school districts are working diligently to find funding to comply with this gubernatorial directive. Additionally, the Florida Department of Education is still moving forward with plans to eliminate Common Core curriculum as soon as possible. The State University System of Florida is being cautious with their long-term plans, focusing on budget cuts instead of new expenditures.

funding priorities for p-12 and/or higher education

Increasing Starting Teacher Pay

HB 641, specifically addressing funding for the operation of schools, was signed and approved by Governor DeSantis on June 24th, 2020.2 The bill included a $500 million plan to increase the minimum teacher salary, of which $400 million was allocated for the minimum teacher salary, and $100 million was allocated for increases in pay for veteran teachers and additional instructional personnel.3 The goal of the bill was for all teacher salaries to be a minimum of $47,500, however, due to COVID-19 and other budgetary challenges, this was removed and replaced with language that stated that school districts and charter schools should get as close to that number as possible based on provided funding.4 School districts had until October 1st, 2020 to submit a plan to reach the desired starting teacher salary amount within a three-year time frame, however, some counties were unable to reach an agreement by the deadline. While many counties were able to increase starting teacher salary, veteran teachers were the ones most impacted, with many counties agreeing to very minimal raises for their veteran teachers.5 This has caused division among career educators and those new to the teaching profession, [End Page 263] however, new teachers were prioritized from this funding.6

Eliminating Common Core

Governor DeSantis has kept his word from his election campaign, and signed an executive order to eliminate Common Core from Florida Schools.7 Effective February 12th, 2020, the Benchmarks for Excellent Student Teaching (B.E.S.T.) standards were approved by Florida Commissioner of Education, Richard Corcoran,8 which replace Common Core English/Language Arts, Common Core Mathematics, and integrate Civics into English/ Language Arts.9. School districts have until the start of the 2022-2023 school year to implement B.E.S.T. for standards, professional development, instructional materials, and statewide assessments.10 Due to COVID-19, Florida eliminated the Florida Statewide Assessments and assigning School Grades to both districts and individual schools for the first time ever during the 2019-2020 school year,11 however, with the establishment of new standards and assessments, the entire assessment system for P-12 education will be redefined by the 2022-2023 school year.12

pressing state issues affecting p-12 and/or higher education

Due to COVID-19, the Florida Board of Governors asked each State University to plan for an 8.5 percent budget cut during FY 2020, and a 10 percent budget cut during FY 2021.13 This has caused many universities to restructure their budget, including hiring freezes, or potential tuition increases.14 The State University System also remains steadfast in requiring SAT and ACT scores for incoming college freshman, which has caused admissions applications to be down in some systems by as much as 50 percent.15

changes to the funding formula for p-12 and higher education

During the 2020 Legislative Session, three bills impacting state funding passed. SB72 [End Page 264] addressed higher education, by adding two new metrics to the Florida Performance Funding system to include success of transfer students and Pell-eligible student completion, expanding the Bright Futures Florida Medallion Scholarships, and allowing Pell grants to be used during the summer semester. HB171 developed a uniform system which translates military experience into a standard set of college credits or clock hours...




  • 佛罗里达
  • Lou L.Sabina(生物)

2020年是佛罗里达州教育金融起伏不定的一年。COVID-19影响了现任州长共和党人罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)所预计的任教年份,该年全州教师的起薪将提高至47,500美元。1虽然COVID-19在2020学年开始时延迟了对该计划的立即资助,但各学区都在努力寻找资金来遵守该州长指令。此外,佛罗里达州教育局仍在推进计划,以尽快消除通用核心课程。佛罗里达州立大学系统对其长期计划持谨慎态度,该计划的重点是削减预算,而不是增加新支出。

p -12和/或高等教育的资助重点


HB 641专门解决学校运营的资金问题,由州长DeSantis于2020年6月24签署并批准。2该法案包括一项5亿美元的计划,以提高最低教师工资,其中4亿美元分配给了最低教师工资。教师薪金,并拨出1亿美元用于增加资深教师和更多教学人员的薪水。3该法案的目标是所有教师的工资最低为47,500美元,但是,由于COVID-19和其他预算挑战,该法案已被删除,并用表示学区和特许学校应尽可能接近的语言取代。根据提供的资金来确定该数字。截至10月1日,有4个学区2020年9月3提交计划,以在三年时间内达到所需的起步教师薪资水平,但是,一些县未能在截止日期之前达成协议。尽管许多县能够提高起步老师的薪水,但资深教师受到的影响最大,许多县都同意他们的资深老师的加薪幅度很小。5这导致了职业教育者与那些刚进入教学行业的教育者之间的分歧,[End Page 263]然而,从这笔资金中优先考虑了新教师。6


州长DeSantis在竞选中信守诺言,并签署了一项行政命令,从佛罗里达学校中淘汰“共同核心”。7从2020年2月12日开始,美国佛罗里达教育委员会理查德·科科伦(Richard Corcoran)批准了《优秀学生教学基准》(BEST)8,该基准取代了通用核心英语/语言艺术,通用核心数学,并将公民融入英语/语言艺术。9。学区必须在2022-2023学年开始之前对标准,专业发展,教学材料和全州评估实施BEST。10由于采用了COVID-19,佛罗里达州在2019-2020学年首次取消了佛罗里达州全州评估,并为各地区和个别学校分配了学校成绩11,但是,随着新标准和评估的建立,整个评估到2022年至2023年,将重新定义P-12教育的系统。12

影响p -12和/或高等教育的紧迫国家问题


p -12和高等教育的资助公式的变化

在2020年立法会议期间,通过了三项影响国家资金的法案。SB72 [End Page 264]通过向佛罗里达绩效资助系统添加两个新指标来解决高等教育问题,其中包括转学生的成功和符合佩尔资格的学生完成情况,扩大光明期货佛罗里达大奖章奖学金以及允许佩尔助学金在夏季学期。HB171开发了一个统一的系统,可以将军事经验转化为一套标准的大学学分或时钟时间。
