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Journal of Education Finance ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01
Clay Webber

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Idaho
  • Clay Webber (bio)

The state of Idaho ranks second to last in the level of per-pupil expenditures, beating only Utah. Over the last several years there has been an increase in education funding in the amount of $500 million. An additional increase in education funding was approved in the 2020 legislative session. Unfortunately, the coronavirus state shutdown resulted in a loss of state revenue. This resulted in the governor's executive order cutting budgets by 5 percent. The governor has released a plan to potentially cut education by close to 100 million in the upcoming 2021 legislative session.

funding priorities for p-12

  • Career Ladder: During the 2020 legislative session, $223 million was allocated to boost teacher salaries. The first installment was for the amount of $32 million. State lawmakers approved the second installment of the two-year career ladder plan to raise the minimum teacher salary to $40,000.

  • Literacy Initiative: The legislature approved this initiative during the previous fiscal year. Lawmakers voted to make this funding permanent in the 2020 legislative session. This action provides continued funding for early elementary reading improvement in the amount of $26 million, due to the 47 percent of K-3 students in Idaho behind in reading skills.

  • Social/Emotional Learning: A $1 million line-item was included in the budget to help schools train their staff to help students facing social-emotional issues.

  • Opportunity Scholarship: The legislature continued funding this scholarship program in excess of $20 million to help Idaho students pay for college.

  • K-12 Funding: After cuts to the original budget, K-12 spending will decrease by 6 percent for 2020-2021.

changes to funding formula for p-12

  • • A new funding formula is needed to address low per-pupil expenditures in the state of Idaho. Idaho was expected to roll out a new funding formula during the previous legislative session. However, a planning bill was passed instead. A bill to revise the K-12 funding formula never received a hearing in the 2020 legislative session. Legislators have been discussing a potential rewrite of the funding formula for the last four years, it remains unchanged.

pressing state issues affecting p-12

  • 5 percent Holdback: Executive order cuts budgets by 5 percent. [End Page 272]

  • Career Ladder: The governor has issued a freeze on the career ladder

  • Technology (from $36,500,000 to $26,500,000) -10,000,000 -0.53 percent

  • IT Staffing (from $8,000,000 to $4,000,000) -4,000,000 -0.21 percent

  • Content and Curriculum (from $1,600,000 to $0) -1,600,000 -0.08 percent

  • Professional Development, Gifted/Talented (from $1,000,000 to $0) -1,000,000 -0.05 percent

  • Education Funding Formula: A bill to revise the K-12 funding formula never got a hearing in the 2020 legislative session. Legislators have been discussing a potential rewrite of the funding formula for the last four years, it remains unchanged.

  • Teacher Shortage: Idaho is still experiencing a teacher shortage that is trending in many states across the nation.

  • Lack of Pre-K Program: A bill creating a state Pre-K program has yet to be passed in Idaho. Idaho is one of only four states without a state-funded pre-k.

exclusive to p-12: what are the alternatives to traditional public school offered by your state? what does the trend in funding look like for these alternatives?

Charter Schools: Charter schools do not overwhelmingly impact the Idaho public school system in a negative way. There are 57 charter schools in the state that enroll 24,004 students, 7.8 percent of the state's total student enrollment. If the public education system doesn't get the attention it needs to fix the current problems, charter schools might see an increase in enrollment. The legislature passed a few bills related to the operation of charter schools in the state, but not significantly impacting funding for traditional public-school districts.

total dollar amount for idaho's per pupil expenditure (excluding local and federal funding)?

Idaho State PPE $6,607 * ISDE School Statistics Report 2018-2019

allocation of state dollars and percent of the state budget for p-12

The original state...




  • 爱达荷州
  • 克莱·韦伯(生物)


p -12的供资重点

  • 职业阶梯:在2020年立法会议期间,分配了2.23亿美元以提高教师薪资。第一期付款为3 200万美元。州立法者批准了为期两年的职业阶梯计划的第二部分,将教师的最低工资提高到40,000美元。

  • 扫盲倡议:立法机关在上一财政年度批准了该倡议。立法者投票决定在2020年立法会议上永久保留这笔资金。由于爱达荷州K-3学生中47%的阅读技能落后,该行动为早期基础阅读改善提供了持续的资金2600万美元。

  • 社会/情感学习:预算中包括一百万美元的项目,以帮助学校培训其教职员工,以帮助面临社会情感问题的学生。

  • 机会奖学金:立法机关继续为这项奖学金计划提供超过2000万美元的资金,以帮助爱达荷州的学生支付大学费用。

  • K-12资金:在削减原始预算后,K-12的支出到2020-2021年将减少6%。

更改p -12的供资公式

  • •在爱达荷州,需要一种新的筹资方式来解决人均支出较低的问题。预计爱达荷州将在上届立法会议上推出新的筹资方式。但是,通过了一项计划法案。一项修改K-12筹资方式的法案在2020年立法会议上从未获得过听证会。立法者一直在讨论过去四年中可能重新编写筹资方案的情况,但仍保持不变。

影响p -12的紧迫状态问题

  • 5%的保留:行政命令将预算削减了5%。[结束页272]

  • 职业阶梯:州长已冻结职业阶梯

  • 技术(从$ 36,500,000到$ 26,500,000)-10,000,000 -0.53%

  • IT人员配置(从$ 8,000,000到$ 4,000,000)-4,000,000 -0.21%

  • 内容和课程(从$ 1,600,000到$ 0)-1,600,000 -0.08%

  • 专业发展,有天赋/才华(从$ 1,000,000到$ 0)-1,000,000 -0.05%

  • 教育资助公式:修订K-12资助公式的法案在2020年立法会议上从未得到过听证。立法者一直在讨论过去四年中可能重新编写筹资方案的情况,但仍保持不变。

  • 师资短缺:爱达荷州仍在经历师资短缺,这在全国许多州都呈上升趋势。

  • 缺少Pre-K程序:创建爱达荷州州立Pre-K程序的法案尚未得到通过。爱达荷州是仅有的四个没有州政府资助的州的州之一。




爱达荷州私立学校$ 6,607 * ISDE学校统计报告2018-2019

p -12的州拨款和州预算的百分比

