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Journal of Education Finance ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01
Nicola A. Alexander

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Minnesota
  • Nicola A. Alexander (bio)

Minnesota has a biennial budget, where the governor makes proposals to the operating budget in odd years, with proposed capital expenditures made in even years; supplements to the previous budget are typical. This fiscal year is anything but typical with the onslaught of the novel corona virus, COVID-19. Before the impact of the pandemic was felt, Governor Walz, the Democratic governor, proposed his first state budget in February 2019 to the only divided state legislature in the United States. The FY 2020-21 biennial budget was passed by the Legislature and signed into law by Governor Walz in May 2019. In February 2020, a supplementary budget was released. The compromise budget reflected a plan to spend down the state's budget surplus, use money from an existing health care tax and expend some of the rainy day fund. Several special sessions later, there was no surplus to spend down. This summation reports on the FY 2020-2021 biennium, refers to the pre-COVID-19 recommendations, and highlights legislative proposals in response to the pandemic.

Minnesota faces sharp budget declines and the once-rosy picture of large surpluses has fast disappeared. A deficit of $2.426 billion for all funds is now projected for the current biennium, which is almost a $4 billion change compared to the February forecast. The projected general fund balance is -$2.34 billion. Minnesota policymakers created the COVID-19 Minnesota fund in the state treasury to pay expenditures related to a peacetime emergency declared by Governor Walz in Executive Order 20-0. The Minnesota Legislature transferred $200 million from the state's general fund to the COVID-19 Minnesota Fund. The fund will expire on December 31, 2020. This emergency education relief is only about a quarter of the total education revenue that Minnesota will get from the federal coronavirus relief package. If distributed evenly across the state, districts would receive about $50 per pupil.

Like all other states, unemployment rolls have surged and the demand for public services has expanded, pushing the state into an economic bind. Total available General Fund revenues have declined to $49.1 billion from the original estimates of $52.7 billion. The bulk of Minnesota's revenues come from individual income taxes, which accounts for $24.3 billion, 53.9 percent, of General Fund revenues. The next two highest revenue sources are $10.7 billion (23.7 percent) from sales taxes, and $2.7 billion (6 percent) from corporate taxes. The $2.359 billion budget reserve remains available to mitigate the budgetary impact of the pandemic. [End Page 302]

funding priorities for p-12 and/or higher education

The General Fund has the biggest share of the overall state budget. General Fund spending was nearly $48.7 billion, which accounted for 55 percent of the state's overall 2020-2021 biennial spending of $86 billion from all funds (Minnesota Management and Budget 2019).

Funding for E-12 education continues to dominate General Fund expenditures.

Spending on E-12 education was just under $20 billion and accounted for 41.1 percent of General Fund expenditures in the 2020-2021 biennium. Spending on Higher Education was $3.4 billion and accounted for 7 percent of General Fund expenditures; this reflects a continued decline in the portion of the state budget devoted to Higher Education.

Governor Walz's priorities in his pre-corona virus supplemental budget included increased support for student wellbeing; expanded data integration and IT programs, re-establishing equity coaches, expanding Indigenous education for all, and to restore Head Start Tribal allocations. He also wanted to prioritize the educator's online licensing system.

changes to funding formula for p-12 and/or higher education

The 2019 Minnesota legislative session initially resulted in $569 million more devoted to education funding for public school districts in the FY 2020-21 biennium (Minnesota Management and Budget, 2019). Most of that additional spending was on increasing the basic education formula by $388.8 million, reflecting a two percent increase over the previous biennium. In FY 2021, the basic general education aid was $6,567 per pupil. Additional state general and categorical dollars supplement this basic amount. Combined, total expenditures...




  • 明尼苏达州
  • 尼古拉·亚历山大(生物)




p -12和/或高等教育的资助重点




州长Walz在日冕前病毒补充预算中的优先事项包括增加对学生福祉的支持。扩大了数据集成和IT计划,重建了股权教练,扩大了所有人的土著教育,并恢复了Head Start Tribal的分配。他还想优先考虑教育者的在线许可系统。


