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Journal of Education Finance ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01
Joshua A. Money, Spencer D. Stone

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Mississippi
  • Joshua A. Money (bio) and Spencer D. Stone (bio)

funding priorities for p-12 and/or higher education

There are five major budget areas for public education in Mississippi: General Education, Chickasaw Interest, Vocational Education (CTE), Mississippi Schools for the Blind and Deaf, Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP). Mississippi uses a funding formula that incorporates both a student and a resource focused approach to funding education in the state. First, Mississippi focuses on determining the base amount of an education for each student in the system. This is the cost of delivering education to students with no special needs or services is used to determine the cost of the resources necessary to deliver an education to students is determined by calculating the cost of the resources and services necessary to do so while accounting for staff salaries and maintenance costs. Their formula must then calculate the additional costs associated with the education of other subgroups and categories of students by accounting for resource-based allocations that fund specific programs and initiatives while applying the multipliers to the base amount in order to generate supplemental funding for those students.

Property taxes are the sole source of local revenue for school districts in Mississippi. Individual school districts in Mississippi are expected to contribute to the revenue stream that funds public schools based on property values. Each district is expected to contribute $28.00 of $1,000 dollars of assessed property wealth. Property taxes are assessed using different ratios for various property types according to its use and classification which is directly related to the funding of Mississippi's schools. Mississippi has a set floor and ceiling on tax rates for local property tax amounts. School districts are required to impose the minimum of 28 per thousand dollars of property and may not collect more than $55.00 per thousand dollars of assessed property value from each property owner.1

changes to funding formula for p-12 and/or higher Education

There were no changes to the MAEP formula for the 2020-2021 school year.

pressing state issues affecting p-12 and/or higher education funding

The state passed SB2594; which amended the ESA Voucher Program. It now requires students have had an active IEP within the past 3 years, removes online schools from eligibility, requires eligible nonpublic schools to certify that they will provide services [End Page 305] for a participating student's IEP, allows eligible schools to use public schools to provide special education services but requires that public schools be reimbursed, requires that a if a student returns to his/her home school that the funds must also return.

  1. 1. The CARES Act provided $1.25 billion in aid for the state to use for funding education and other programs. Covid-19 forced the state to eliminate the proposed $1,000 per year pay raise for teachers. The state education budget was cut by 2.7 percent, a reduction of more than $70 million from the previous year.

  2. 2. The budget underfunds the Mississippi Adequate Education Program by $250 million2

exclusive to p-12: what are the alternatives to traditional public school offered by your state? what does the trend in funding look like for these alternatives?

Equal Opportunity for Students with Special Needs Act became law in 2015-it allows parents of students with special needs to use state funds to pay for private school tuition.

Mississippi had 6 charter schools for the 2019-2020 school year, and it approved a new charter school for the 2020-2021 school year.

total dollar amount for your state's per pupil expenditure?


allocation of state dollars and percent of the state budget for p-12 and higer education

$236,172,420 (General Funds + State Support Funds)-K-12-24 percent p95

$374,615,380 (General Funds + State Support Funds)-HE-15 percent-p1113 [End Page 306]

Joshua A. Money

Joshua A. Money is a teacher at Williams Intermediate School.

Spencer D. Stone

Spencer D. Stone is a Computer Science Teacher at Thompson High School.


1. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-151-7

2. https://mississippitoday.org/2020/06/30/mississippi-education-takes-pandemic-fueled-budget-cuts-no...




  • 密西西比州
  • 约书亚(Joshua A.Money)(生物)和斯宾塞(Spencer D.Stone)(生物)

p -12和/或高等教育的资助重点



更改p -12和/或高等教育的供资公式


影响p -12和/或高等教育经费的紧迫国家问题

国家通过了SB2594;修订了ESA凭证计划。现在,它要求学生在过去3年中拥有有效的IEP,取消在线学校的资格,要求合格的非公立学校证明他们将为参与的学生的IEP提供服务[End Page 305],允许合格的学校使用公立学校提供特殊教育服务,但要求偿还公立学校的费用,并要求如果学生返回其家乡学校,资金也必须返还。

  1. 1.《 CARES法案》为该州提供了12.5亿美元的援助,用于资助教育和其他计划。Covid-19迫使该州取消了拟议的每年为教师加薪1,000美元的提议。州教育预算削减了2.7%,比上一年减少了7,000万美元。

  2. 2.预算为密西西比州充分教育计划供资不足2.5亿美元2





$ 479

分配p -12和更高学历的州美元和州预算的百分比


374,615,380美元(普通资金+国家支持资金)-HE-15%-p111 3 [结束第306页]

约书亚(Joshua A.Money)

Joshua A. Money是威廉姆斯中级学校的老师。


Spencer D. Stone是汤普森高中的计算机科学老师。


1. Code Ann小姐。§37-151-7

2. https://mississippitoday.org/2020/06/30/mississippi-education-takes-pandemic-fueled-budget-cuts-no ...
