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Journal of Education Finance ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01
Kiara L. Sabina

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Montana
  • Kiara L. Sabina (bio)

Montana shifted educational funding during 2020 to face challenges associated with COVID-19. Priorities included improved technology across the entire state, child-care support for families impacted by COVID-19, and an increased focus on higher education. Additionally, Montana is currently in the midst of a tight gubernatorial election race, which has the potential to shape P-12 and higher education for many years to come.

funding priorities for p-12 and/or higher education

While Governor Steve Bullock (D) finished his final term, two candidates, current Lieutenant Governor Mike Cooney (D) and Greg Gianforte (R) are embattled in a tight race that many were calling too close to call.1 Inevitably, Gianforte won the election and has prioritized increasing public school teacher pay over all other educational issues, promising that would be his first educational priority.2

COVID-19 Educational Funding

Governor Bullock committed $125 million to public education and early childhood and family support through funds received through the CARES Act in July and August 2020. Bullock's largest single expenditure was to allocate $10 million for transportation to allow for social distancing on transportation.3 $65 million was allocated equitably to school districts, based on each district's ANB, roughly amounting to $418.50 per ANB.4 It was explicitly stated that each district must fill out a certification form5 stating that the funding would be used specifically for COVID-19 expenses. Bullock also allocated $50 million to child-care providers and early childhood education programs focused on primary aged children.6 [End Page 310]

Technology Education and Distance Learning

While distance learning and increased access to technology have recently been a major education priority in Montana, COVID-19 further exacerbated the need for targeted technology support across public education. School districts have committed to providing face-to-face, hybrid, or online learning for students for the 2020-2021 school year7, however, access continues to be a challenge for rural students, with many regions having limited to no access to Internet or cellular telephone services.8 To supplement the challenges associated with providing both access to online learning and reliable bandwidth, Montana PBS is providing a free Learn at Home Curriculum aligned with Montana State School Standards from 6:30 AM to 5:30 PM from September 8th through December 18th, 2020. This initiative is being funded by the Montana Office of Public Instruction.9

pressing state issues affecting p-12 and/or higher education

State Higher Education Funding

While the state higher education system in Montana has faced challenges in recent years, Tyler Trevor, deputy commissioner for budget and planning with the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education, noted that the Montana University System was in a strong position, thanks to previous precautions taken from the onset of COVID-19, which included a hiring freeze. For 2020-2021, the Montana University System committed to a $1.5 billion budget.10 A continued focus throughout Montana is the success of first-generation college students, and Montana State University recently received a $1.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education specifically focused on support for first generation students.11 [End Page 311]

changes to the funding formula for p-12 and higher education

Montana operates biennially for budgeting and school funding. The 2019 Legislative Session was where specific budget items were discussed for both higher education and P-12 education. The primary bill that passed was HB159, a $77 million funding package for Montana Public Schools, which supported a 1.83 percent funding increase for 2020-2021.12

total dollar amount for montana per-pupil expenditure

HB159, which passed on February 27, 2019, established the following base student allocation beginning FY 2020. For a high school district or a K-12 district high school program, a maximum rate of $7,201 per student for FY 2020 and $7,333 for FY 2021 was established. For an elementary school district or a K-12 district elementary program without an approved and accredited junior high school, 7th and 8th grade program, or middle school, a maximum rate of $5,624 for FY 2020 and $5...




  • 蒙大拿
  • Kiara L.Sabina(生物)


p -12和/或高等教育的资助重点

当州长史蒂夫·布洛克(D)结束最后任期时,两名候选人,现任中尉州长迈克·库尼(Mike Cooney)(D)和格雷格·吉安福尔特(Greg Gianforte)(R)陷入了一场紧张的比赛,许多人都叫来得太近了。1吉安福尔特(Gianforte)不可避免地赢得了选举,并已将提高公立学校教师的薪水放在所有其他教育问题之上,并保证这将是他的首要教育任务。2个


州长布洛克通过2020年7月和2020年8月通过《 CARES法案》获得的资金,承诺为公共教育,幼儿和家庭提供1.25亿美元。布洛克的最大一笔支出是为交通拨款1000万美元,以实现交通方面的社会疏远。3根据每个地区的ANB,平均向学区平均分配了6,500万美元,大致相当于每个ANB 418.50美元。4明确指出,每个地区都必须填写证明表格5,说明该资金将专门用于COVID-19费用。布洛克还向育儿提供者和针对小学年龄儿童的早期儿童教育计划拨款5000万美元。6 [末页310]


尽管远程学习和增加获得技术的机会最近已成为蒙大拿州的一项主要教育优先事项,但COVID-19进一步加剧了在整个公共教育中需要有针对性的技术支持的需求。学区已承诺在2020-2021学年为学生提供面对面,混合或在线学习7,但是,访问仍然是农村学生面临的挑战,许多地区仅限于无法访问互联网或蜂窝电话服务。8为补充与提供在线学习访问和可靠带宽相关的挑战,蒙大拿州PBS从9月8上午6:30至下午5:30 PM提供符合蒙大拿州立学校标准的免费在家学习课程。到2020年12月18为止。这项计划由蒙大拿州公共教育办公室资助。9

影响p -12和/或高等教育的紧迫国家问题


近年来,虽然蒙大拿州的州立高等教育系统面临挑战,但高等教育专员办公室负责预算和计划的副专员泰勒·特雷弗(Tyler Trevor)指出,由于先前的预防措施,蒙大拿大学系统处于有利地位取自COVID-19的发作,其中包括冻结招聘。在2020-2021年间,蒙大拿大学系统承诺了15亿美元的预算。10第一代大学生的成功是整个蒙大纳州持续关注的焦点,蒙大拿州立大学最近从美国教育部获得了130万美元的拨款,专门用于支持第一代学生。11 [结束页311]




HB159于2019年2月27日通过,从2020财年开始建立以下基本学生分配。对于高中地区或K-12区域高中课程,2020财年每名学生的最高费率是7,201美元,2021财年的最高费率是7,333美元建立了。对于一个小学学区或K-12区的基本程序没有批准和认可的初中,7和8档次程序或中学的$ 5,624的FY 2020和$ 5的最大速率...
