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Journal of Education Finance ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01
Davíd G. Martínez

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Nevada
  • Davíd G. Martínez (bio)

funding priorities for p-12 and/or higher education

The state of Nevada had two special sessions in 2020, 31st and 32nd Special Sessions. Both special sessions were convened due to what the state legislature saw as extraordinary fiscal circumstances resulting from the global COVID-19 pandemic and its associated economic consequences. As a result of the pandemic, Nevada had to close an $812 million budget gap, including $265 million to the Distributive School Account (DSA), at the end of FY 2019-20. In the 80th Biennial Session, legislators passed SB545 (2019) which appropriated tax revenue from marijuana sales to the DSA, adding an additional $1201 million in funds toward K-12.

changes to funding formula for p-12 and/or higher education

There were no bills passed to make changes to the funding formula during the 31st or 32nd special sessions. Previously, the Nevada state legislative 80th Session of 2019 passed SB543 remedying the school funding formula. The new formula establishes base level funding and per-pupil student weights for: 1) an English learner; 2) an at-risk pupil; 3) a pupil with a disability; and 4) a gifted and talented pupil.

pressing state issues affecting p-12 and/or higher education funding

Despite changes to the school funding formula through SB543 (2019), on March 4th, 2020, a group of parents and students from Clark, Washoe, and White Pines County School Districts filed a complaint against the State of Nevada, the Superintendent of Public Education, and State Board of Education. The complaint asserts Nevada has not addressed funding and resource disparities across the state, ignoring cost study results from 2006 and 2018. Furthermore, the complaint alleges Nevada's base per-pupil funding level for 2020-21, is $3,020 below recommendations made in 2018. The case is currently pending.

The state of Nevada's 31st and 32nd special legislative sessions of 2020 both addressed in specific ways the pandemic downturn. In the past, economic downturns (e.g., the Great Recession) elicited austerity measures in general fund appropriations. This invariably impacts educational allocations, and funding across districts. Currently, Nevada is [End Page 316] expecting this same economic impact, and worked to mitigate the impending downturn.

During the 31st Special Session, the legislature approved Assembly Bill 3 (AB3),2 an omnibus budget bill allocating $50 million dollars in CARES funding, but cut approximately $156,694,140 in total education funding.3 These cuts were made to the entire Nevada Department of Education budget including: 1) $2.5 million in school turnaround, 2) $5 million in college and career readiness funding, and 3) approximately $70 million for the New Nevada Education Funding Plan.

During the 31st Special Session the Nevada legislature also approved Senate Bill 1 (SB1)4 and Senate Bill 2 (SB2).5 SB1 cuts $72,599,117 from the higher education capital improvement budget. These cuts include $20,000,000 to the University of Nevada Las Vegas for an engineering building, and $8,897,721 for deferred maintenance. To offset the lost funds, the Nevada System of Higher Education will use $38,965,599 in bond funds. SB2 temporarily authorizes the Nevada state Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to waive eligibility requirements for students to receive the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship.

Finally, the 32nd Special Session passed one relevant bill to K-12/Higher Education. The legislature passed Senate Bill 4 (SB4), which provides COVID-19 liability protection for businesses, nonprofits and government entities, but exempts hospitals, health care providers, and K-12 public schools.6 This indicates that under SB4 schools and by proxy school districts are vulnerable to liability should someone contract COVID-19.

exclusive to p-12: what are the alternatives to traditional public school offered by your state? what does the trend in funding look like for these alternatives?

Created in 2011, Nevada's State Public Charter School Authority (SPCSA) is the governmental statewide charter school sponsor of Nevada. The SPCSA not only authorizes public charter schools, but is also responsible for the oversight and monitoring of those schools. Funding for the SPCSA...




  • 内华达州
  • DavídG.Martínez(生物)

p -12和/或高等教育的资助重点

内华达州已在2020年两次特别会议,31和32特别会议。由于国家立法机关认为全球COVID-19大流行及其相关的经济后果导致了特殊的财政状况,因此召开了两次特别会议。由于大流行,内华达州必须在2019-20财年末缩小8.12亿美元的预算缺口,其中包括2.65亿美元的分布式学校账户(DSA)。在80双年展会议,通过了立法者SB545(2019)的拨款从大麻销售到DSA税收,增加一个额外的$ 120 1在百万资金向K-12。



影响p -12和/或高等教育经费的紧迫国家问题

尽管通过SB543(2019)更改了学校资助公式,但在2020年3月4,来自Clark,Washoe和White Pines County学区的一群父母和学生向内华达州公诉人提出了投诉。教育和州教育委员会。投诉称内华达州没有解决全州的资金和资源差距,忽略了2006年和2018年的成本研究结果。此外,投诉书称内华达州2020-21年的基本每人资助水平比2018年的建议低3,020美元。案件目前正在审理中。

内华达州的31个州和322020年特别立法会议以特定的方式将流行的低迷都解决。过去,经济不景气(例如大萧条)引发了对一般基金拨款的紧缩措施。这始终影响着教育分配和跨地区的资金。目前,内华达州[End Page 316]预计会带来同样的经济影响,并致力于缓解即将到来的经济下滑。

在第31特别会议期间,立法机关批准了第3号《大会法案》(AB3)[ 2],这是一项综合预算法案,分配了5000万美元的CARES资金,但削减了约156,694,140美元的教育资金。3这些削减是针对整个内华达教育部预算的,其中包括:1)250万美元的学校周转费用; 2)500万美元的大学和职业准备资金,以及3)新内华达州教育资金计划的约7,000万美元。

在第31特别会议上,内华达州立法机关还批准了参议院第1号法案(SB1)4和参议院第2号法案(SB2)。5 SB1从高等教育资本改善预算中削减了72,599,117美元。这些削减包括向内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校建设工程大楼的2000万美元,以及延期维护的8,897,721美元。为了弥补损失的资金,内华达州高等教育系统将使用38,965,599美元的债券基金。SB2暂时授权内华达大学内华达州州议会免除学生获得州长Guinn千禧奖学金的资格要求。

最后,32特别会议通过了一个有关的法案K-12 /高等教育。立法机关通过了第4号参议院法案(SB4),该法案为企业,非营利组织和政府实体提供COVID-19责任保护,但不包括医院,医疗保健提供者和K-12公立学校。6这表明在SB4级别下,如果有人与COVID-19签约,则学校和代理学区很容易承担责任。


