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New Mexico
Journal of Education Finance ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01
Davíd G. Martínez

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • New Mexico
  • Davíd G. Martínez (bio)

funding priorities for p-12 and/or higher education

During 2020, New Mexico held two legislative sessions, 54th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session. New Mexico also held the First Special Session of the 54th Legislature, to address a 2020-2021 $2.4 billion SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) budget deficit. Governor Lujan Grisham has mobilized a "cradle to career"1 school funding model that includes approximately 47 percent of all new and recurring spending for the education pipeline from early childhood education (ECE) to higher education. In total, the recommended executive budget allocates $200.3 million in additional education funding, totaling $3.4 billion2.

changes to funding formula for p-12 and/or higher education

The New Mexico state equalization formula was instituted in 1974. The intent of the 1974 Public School Finance Act [22-8-17 through 25 NMSA 1978] was to equalize fiscal revenue for schools, and to guarantee each New Mexico public school has equal access funds. No changes were made to the public school equalization formula or to the Public School Finance Act during the 2020 legislative session.

pressing state issues affecting p-12 and/or higher education

New Mexico's 54th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session adjourned February 20th, 2020. During this session the legislature introduced House Bill (HB) 23, allocating $3,244,323.3 for state equalization, $59,180,200 for teacher salary increases, $50,152,100 for at-risk students, $30,000,000 for district curriculum, $119,895,900 for K-5 programs, and $71,394,100 for COVID-19 extended learning time programs. HB2 appropriates $60,627,500 from the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant, $41,527,500 from child care, $14,100,000 from pre-kindergarten, and $5,000,000 from home-visiting services for ECE. HB834, also works to expand funding for ECE by establishing the ECE and care program fund. [End Page 325]

The Legislature also passed HB925, which institutionalizes a teacher residency and preparation program at public post-secondary educational institutions and tribal colleges. There were three bills in regards to capital outlays, HB2546, adjusts the amount used to calculate state distributions to school districts that impose a public school capital improvements tax, HB3497, authorizes severance tax bonds, and clarifies bond regulations, for those expenditures related to capital improvement projects, and HB3558, allows the legislature to reappropriate capital improvement fund balances during fiscal emergencies. Finally, Senate Bill (SB) 969, institutionalizes a statewide online financial reporting system. Ultimately, $3,000,000 of funding is appropriated in order to carry-out the nuances of this bill.

New Mexico held the First Special Session of the 54th Legislature, June 18th-June 22nd, 2020, to address a FY 2020-2021 $2.4 billion budget deficit, two bills were passed with regard to state appropriations. HB110, eliminated $59,180,200 for four percent teacher salary increases, reduced ECE and care program funds by $3,300,000, and reduced the pre-kindergarten program by $1,000,000. HB1 also eliminated $6,000,000 from the elementary physical education program, and reduced the $119,895,900 in K-5 plus program to $79,895,900. HB1 also reduced the opportunity scholarship program of the higher education department by $7,000,000, the instruction and general purposes appropriations to each higher education institution by $18,795,400, and higher education department financial aid for low-income by $5,000,000. SB511 appropriated $743,000 for various educational projects across the state, and $1,710,000 for various higher education projects across the state.

exclusive to p-12: what are the alternatives to traditional public school offered by your state? what does the trend in funding look like for these alternatives?

The New Mexico State Legislature approved New Mexico's charter school law in 1993. Approximately 26,000 students attend charter schools in New Mexico, between seven and eight percent of the state's total public school population. Charter schools have historically been heavily funded in New Mexico, when juxtaposed against the scale of students served. Currently, charter total revenue per-pupil is $11,592...




  • 新墨西哥
  • DavídG.Martínez(生物)

p -12和/或高等教育的资助重点

2020年期间,新墨西哥州召开了两次立法会议,第54届立法会议,第2届例会。新墨西哥州还举行了第54届立法会第一届特别会议,以解决2020-2021年24亿美元的SARS-CoV-2(COVID-19)预算赤字。州长Lujan Grisham筹集了“职业摇篮” 1学校资助模式,其中包括从幼儿教育(ECE)到高等教育的所有新的和经常性支出,用于教育管道。总体而言,建议的执行预算分配了2.003亿美元的额外教育资金,总计34亿美元2


新墨西哥州均等化公式于1974年制定。1974年《公立学校财政法》 [22-8-17至25 NMSA 1978]的目的是均等化学校的财政收入,并保证每所新墨西哥公立学校享有平等的入学机会资金。在2020年立法会议期间,未对公立学校均等化公式或《公立学校财务法》进行任何更改。

影响p -12和/或高等教育的紧迫国家问题

新墨西哥州第54届立法会议第二届例会于2020年2月20休会。在该会议期间,立法机关提出了《众议院法案》 2 3,分配3,244,323.3美元用于州均等化,分配59,180,200美元用于教师薪资增长,分配50.152,100美元用于有风险的学生,分配30,000,000美元用于地区课程,K-5计划$ 119,895,900,COVID-19延长学习时间计划$ 71,394,100。HB2从联邦临时援助中为贫困家庭拨款60,627,500美元,从儿童保育中获得$ 41,527,500,从幼儿园前获得$ 14,100,000,从EEC上门拜访服务中获得$ 5,000,000。HB83 4还通过建立ECE和护理计划基金来努力扩大ECE的资金。[结束页325]

立法机关还通过了HB92 5,该制度使公共大专教育机构和部落学院中的教师居住和预备课程制度化。与资本支出有关的三项法案HB254 6,调整了用于计算向州征收公立学校基本建设税HB 349 7的学区的州分配额,批准了遣散税保证金,并阐明了与这些支出相关的保证金规定。资本改进项目,以及HB355 8,使立法机关可以在财政紧急情况下重新分配资本改进资金的余额。最后,参议院法案(SB)96 9,将全州范围内的在线财务报告系统制度化。最终,为了执行该法案的细微差别,拨款300万美元。

新墨西哥州举行的第54届议会,6月18日的第一届特别会议- 6月22,到2020年,以解决FY 2020年至2021年$ 2.4十亿的预算赤字,这两个法案分别是关于国家拨款通过。乙肝1 10,取消了59,180,200美元,以增加教师薪金4%,将ECE和护理计划资金减少了3,300,000美元,并将幼儿园前计划减少了1,000,000美元。HB1还从基础体育教育计划中取消了6,000,000美元,并将K-5 plus计划中的119,895,900美元减少到79,895,900美元。HB1还减少了高等教育部门的机会奖学金计划$ 7,000,000,减少了对每所高等教育机构的指导和一般用途拨款$ 18,795,400,并减少了高等教育部门对低收入者的财政援助$ 5,000,000。SB5 11为全州的各种教育项目拨款743,000美元,为全州的各种高等教育项目拨款1,710,000美元。


新墨西哥州议会于1993年批准了新墨西哥州的特许学校法。新墨西哥州约有26,000名学生就读特许学校,占该州公立学校总人口的7%至8%。从历史上看,特许学校是在新墨西哥州投入大量资金的,这与所服务的学生人数并列。目前,每名学生的包机总收入为$ 11,592。
