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New York
Journal of Education Finance ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01
Osnat Zaken

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • New York
  • Osnat Zaken (bio)

New York State FY 2021 began on April 1, 2020 and ends on March 31, 2021. All Funds spending is $178 billion for FY 2021.1

funding priorities for p-12 and higher education

The plan is to increase Education Aid to $28.5 billion with an additional $826 million and fix inequity in funding formula to provide more support to poorer schools.

The FY 2021 Budget will increase higher education operating aid by $257 million, bringing the State's total investment to $7.8 billion.

The Excelsior Scholarship offers Free College Tuition to Middle Class Families, therefore the eligibility threshold will rise from $125,000 to $150,000 of gross family income.

Creating the State's First Comprehensive Education and Training Center in Syracuse, the State will reimburse 98 percent, ($71.4 million) of the cost for renovation.2 For higher education opportunity programs and training centers, $213 million will be available.3 Expanding Universal Pre-Kindergarten with an additional $15 million investment, and an increase in community schools of $50 million targeted to districts with failing schools.4

new school aid funding formula

New York States' main goal is to ensure education equity. With the district disclosure of distributed school funding in 2019 the wealthier school districts spend approximately $36,000 per student as opposed to $13,000 per student at poorer school districts. In order to reduce funding disparities, the Budget will increase School Aid by $826 million, bringing the total annual investment to a record $28.5 billion, with 85 percent of the Foundation Aid increase going to the highest-need districts. Additionally, to ensure education equity, the Governor is proposing a new School Aid Funding Formula to [End Page 328] properly distribute funds. 5

pressing state issues affecting p-12 and/or higher education funding

The NYS Governor is withholding 20 percent of state school aid allocations pending federal bailout negotiations.6 At the request of the Department of Budget, the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) compiled an in-depth economic impact analysis of COVID-19 on the State economy surmising that General Fund receipts are projected to decline by $13.3B for SFY 2021 and $61B from 2021-24.7

insights on potential impact of covid-19 on state education funding

The Covid-19 world health crisis, has led to worldwide school closures, loss in learning, as well as economic and social crises. Challenges such as globalization, democracies, technological development, power, poverty, and rampant inequality have become widespread. As the economic losses have heightened social inequality, the more disadvantaged students will fall further behind their advantaged peers thereby exacerbating the inequity of social divide, consequently translating into greater losses of lifetime earnings. The world will not be the same after this pandemic, and neither will K-12 or higher education institutional systems.

In their paper, Eric A. Hanushek and Ludger Woessmann wrote that the worldwide school closures led to losses in learning which will have lasting economic impacts on both the students and nations. While the precise learning losses are not yet known, existing research suggests that the students in grades 1-12 affected by the closures might expect some three percent lower income over their entire lifetimes and such losses may yield an average of 1.5 percent lower annual GDP for the remainder of the century."8

While the true impact of COVID-19 will not be known for months, or years, it will have a devastating effect on education, and social responsibility. Specifically, in NYS schools, a $10 billion loss in revenue was projected as impacting support for schools.9

total dollar amount for your state's per pupil expenditure

In the 2017-2018 school year, with census data on education expenditures, New York [End Page 329] spent $24,040 per K-12 pupil, almost doubling the national average of $12,612. That year, 39.6 percent of K-12 revenue in New York came from the state. New York provides a counterpoint to linking expenditures to student achievement: Despite its highest-in-thenation spending, the most recent results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) popularly known as the nation's report card indicate that...




  • 纽约
  • 奥斯纳特·扎肯(生物)

纽约州2021财年开始到2020年结束4月1日,3月31日,2021年所有基金的支出是2021年财政年度十亿$ 178 1

p -12和高等教育的资助重点






纽约州的主要目标是确保教育公平。随着2019年学区分配分布式学校资金的披露,较富裕的学区每位学生的支出约为36,000美元,而贫困学区的每位学生的支出为13,000美元。为了减少资金差距,预算将使学校援助增加8.26亿美元,使年度总投资达到创纪录的285亿美元,其中85%的基金会援助用于最需要的地区。另外,为了确保教育公平,总督提议提出一个新的“学校援助资金公式”,以[End Page 328]正确分配资金。5

影响p -12和/或高等教育经费的紧迫国家问题

纽约州州长将扣留州学校援助拨款的20%,以等待联邦救助谈判。6应预算部的要求,波士顿咨询集团(BCG)编制了COVID-19对州经济的深入经济影响分析,推测普通基金收入预计在2021年SFY和$ 61分别下降$ 13.3B和$ 61B B从2021-24。7

关于covid -19对州教育经费的潜在影响的见解


埃里克·哈努谢克(Eric A. Hanushek)和路德·沃斯曼(Ludger Woessmann)在他们的论文中写道,全球学校停课导致学习损失,这将对学生和国家产生持久的经济影响。尽管尚不清楚确切的学习损失,但现有研究表明,受停课影响的1-12年级学生可能会在其整个一生中预期收入降低约3%,而这种损失可能会使该国的年度GDP平均降低1.5%本世纪剩余的时间。” 8



