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North Carolina
Journal of Education Finance ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01
Eric Houck, Walter Hart, Jim Watson

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • North Carolina
  • Eric Houck (bio), Walter Hart (bio), and Jim Watson (bio)

funding priorities for p-12

North Carolina is operating under a continuing budget resolution that bases funding on 2018 levels due to a budget impasse between the Democratic Governor and the Republican-led General Assembly. Governor Cooper vetoed the 2019 legislative budget proposal, and the General Assembly has not been able to override that veto. Rather, the General Assembly passed small budget provisions in summer 2020 as individual measures. Educational budget measures to continue school support and address the coronavirus pandemic include:

  • • State Law 2020-45: Salaries—Teachers will be paid in 2020-2021 based on the 2019-2020 salary schedule. Teachers and instructional support will receive a one-time bonus of $350.00. Principal salaries will be based on ADM from the 2019-2020 school year. Assistant principal salaries will be based on the 2019-2020 salary schedule.

  • • State Law 2020-27: ADM—Added $101 million for ADM growth.

  • • State Law 2020-4: Child Nutrition—Appropriated $75 million for school nutrition programs to be used for innovative meal services during the pandemic.

  • • State Law 2020-80: Appropriated $7 million for personal protective equipment, $5 million for students with disabilities, and $3.9 million for school lunches at no cost to students of all grade levels in schools qualifying for reduced-prices meals.

  • • State Law 2020-97: Added $1 billion for coronavirus relief, much of which will go to a direct payment of $335 to parents of school-aged children. It will also support internet connectivity, protective equipment, transportation, and will hold school funding allotments harmless in 2020-2021 in the event of decreased enrollments.

  • • Class Size Reduction—$177.6 million was appropriated for enhancement teachers (e.g., Arts, Physical Education, World Languages) to support class size reduction in the primary grades.

Areas of disagreement between the Governor and General Assembly included:

  • • School Construction—The Governor proposed a $3.9 billion bond referendum. The General Assembly proposed a pay-as-you-go plan to provide 4.4 billion over 10 years.

  • • Teacher Pay—The Governor proposed an increase of 4.6 percent in 2019-2020, a 4.5 percent increase in 2020-2021, the restoration of master's degree pay and the elimination of salary plateaus for veteran teachers. The General Assembly [End Page 331] proposed a 3.9 percent increase over two years, and a one-time $500 bonus to veteran teachers.

  • • Teacher Shortage—The Governor proposed expanding the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Scholarship Program by $4 million to include all teaching areas instead of only STEM areas.

  • • Pre-K—The Governor proposed 3200 additional slots.

  • • Instructional Supplies/Textbooks—The Governor proposed $29 million. The General Assembly proposed that funds for instructional supplies would be earmarked so that each individual teacher could spend $200 of those funds in 2020-2021.

changes to the funding formula

The legislative and executive branches are working separately on different models for proposed changes to the NC school funding mechanism.

The executive branch is focused on the Governor's Commission on Access to Sound Basic Education which seeks to revitalize and revisit the resource implications of the states 1997 Leandro school finance ruling. The Commission has endorsed retaining and improving the state's current resource allocation model of school finance to address issues of vertical inequity around race, local income, and special education (Rolle, Houck, & McColl 2008; Needham & Houck, 2020).

The legislative branch is focused on the Joint Legislative Task Force on Education Funding Reform. This committee is relying upon a report from the General Assembly's Program Evaluation Division, and is leaning towards recommending moving North Carolina to a pupil weighted school finance model.

The judicial branch is also active in these discussions. Pursuant to a report by WestEd commissioned by the court, the presiding judge over the Leandro case released a Consent Order Regarding the Need for Remedial, Systemic Actions for the Achievement of Leandro Compliance (Hui 2020).

With each branch of state government taking fundamentally different approaches to addressing improvements to school funding, this issue will merit considerable attention from academics and policymakers moving forward.

pressing state issues: covid 19 funding

Under the Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund...




  • 北卡罗来纳
  • 埃里克·霍克(Eric Houck)(生物),沃尔特·哈特(Walter Hart)(生物)和吉姆·沃森(Jim Watson)(生物)

p -12的供资重点


  • •2020-45号州法律:薪水-将根据2019-2020年薪资表在2020-2021年向教师支付薪水。老师和教学支持将获得$ 350.00的一次性奖金。从2019-2020学年开始,主要薪金将基于ADM。助理主要薪金将基于2019-2020年薪金表。

  • •2020-27年州法律:ADM-为ADM的增长增加了1.01亿美元。

  • •2020-4号州法律:儿童营养-拨款7500万美元用于学校营养计划,用于在大流行期间提供创新的膳食服务。

  • •2020-80年州法:拨款700万美元用于个人防护设备,500万美元用于残疾学生,390万美元用于学校午餐,所有年级水平符合条件的学校的学生都可免费使用。

  • •2020-97年州法:增加了10亿美元用于缓解冠状病毒,其中大部分将直接支付给学龄儿童父母335美元。它还将支持互联网连接,防护设备,交通运输,并在入学人数减少的情况下,在2020-2021年间保持学校拨款的无害化。

  • •缩减班级规模-1.776亿美元用于提高教师(如艺术,体育,世界语言),以支持小学一年级班级规模的缩减。


  • •学校建设-总督提议进行39亿美元的债券公投。大会提出了一种按需付款的计划,在10年内提供44亿美元。

  • •教师工资—总督提议在2019-2020年增加4.6%,在2020-2021年增加4.5%,恢复硕士学位工资并消除资深教师的薪资水平。大会[第331页]建议在两年内增加3.9%,并向资深教师提供一次性500美元的奖金。

  • • Teacher Shortage—The Governor proposed expanding the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Scholarship Program by $4 million to include all teaching areas instead of only STEM areas.

  • • Pre-K—The Governor proposed 3200 additional slots.

  • • Instructional Supplies/Textbooks—The Governor proposed $29 million. The General Assembly proposed that funds for instructional supplies would be earmarked so that each individual teacher could spend $200 of those funds in 2020-2021.

changes to the funding formula

The legislative and executive branches are working separately on different models for proposed changes to the NC school funding mechanism.

The executive branch is focused on the Governor's Commission on Access to Sound Basic Education which seeks to revitalize and revisit the resource implications of the states 1997 Leandro school finance ruling. The Commission has endorsed retaining and improving the state's current resource allocation model of school finance to address issues of vertical inequity around race, local income, and special education (Rolle, Houck, & McColl 2008; Needham & Houck, 2020).

The legislative branch is focused on the Joint Legislative Task Force on Education Funding Reform. This committee is relying upon a report from the General Assembly's Program Evaluation Division, and is leaning towards recommending moving North Carolina to a pupil weighted school finance model.

司法部门也积极参与这些讨论。根据法院委托WestEd提交的报告,莱昂德罗案的主审法官发布了关于为实现莱昂德罗合规性而需要采取补救和系统性行动同意令(Hui 2020)。


紧迫的国家问题:covid 19资金

