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Journal of Education Finance ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01
Randall S. Vesely

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Ohio
  • Randall S. Vesely (bio)

funding priorities for p-12 and higher education

Primary and Secondary Education

Ohio public school funding for FY 2020 and FY 2021 is expected to increase from $9.7 billion in FY 2019, to $10.08 billion and $10.11 respectively. Gov. Mike DeWine is prioritizing on "student wellness and success" by investing $650 million in FY 2020 and FY 2021 for schools to spend on mentoring, mental-health counseling, wraparound supports and after-school programs.

Higher Education

Priorities include, among others: affordability, college completion, reducing institutional program operating costs, College Credit Plus, and workforce development. The 2018 state budget appropriated $2.56 billion to higher education and $2.59 billion in 2019 or a 1.40 percent increase. Funding for Higher Education in FY 2020 and FY 2021 will increase to $2.68 billion and $2.77 billion respectively. The budget limits the increases to in-state undergraduate tuition to two percent per year, with certain fee increases to the approval of the Department of Higher Education (DHE). Funding for the Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG), a need-based student financial aid program increases by 21.2 percent per year to $122.3 million in FY 2020 and $148.2 million in FY 2021.

changes to funding formula for p-12 and higher education

Primary and Secondary Education

  • • 612 regular school districts, 49 joint vocational school districts, and approximately 370 public community schools are funded through the Ohio foundation program.

  • • $10.0 billion in FY 2020 and $10.1 billion in FY 2021 to primary and secondary education.

  • • The budget provides GRF funding of $57.2 million in FY 2020 and $71.0 million in FY 2021, increases of 20.0 percent and 24.1 percent, respectively, for the income-based EdChoice expansion. These increases are used to provide additional scholarships as the program expands to 6th grade in FY 2020 and 7th grade in FY 2021. The budget maintains previous maximum amounts of $6,000 per high school student and $4,650 per elementary school student for both EdChoice and Cleveland Scholarship programs.

  • • The budget provides lottery funding of $30 million per year for a new Quality Community School Support initiative. This funding will be distributed to a [End Page 337] community school designated as a Community School of Quality on a per pupil basis ($1,750 for each economically disadvantaged student and $1,000 for each student who is non-economically disadvantaged).

  • • According to the Ohio Department of Education, the EdChoice Scholarship Program provides up to 60,000 state-funded scholarships to students who attend low-performing public school buildings. Scholarship must be used to attend private schools that meet requirements for program participation. The EdChoice scholarship amount is currently $4650 for grades K-8 and $6000 for grades 9-12.

  • • Special education allocation for FY 2020 is $454.7 million and $455 million in FY 2021.

  • • Career-technical education basic grant $9.6 million in FY 2019. That amount is decreased in FY 2020 and FY 2021 to $9.4 million.

  • • Expansion of an income-based scholarship program for students to attend private schools. The EdChoice program, estimated to cost $47.7 million in FY 2019 would increase to $57.2 million in FY 2020, and to $71 million in FY 2021—annual increases of 20 percent and 24.1 percent.

  • • Additional money for community schools, often referred to as charter schools, with new funding of $30 million for those designated as schools of quality. The additional funding for the private-school scholarships and community school quality awards total $83 million over two years.

Higher Education

Ohio remains one of the few states with a 100 percent outcomes-based higher education funding formula without any general enrollment metric except for full time enrollment (FTE) in medical programs.

  • • For 2018 and 2019, undergraduate tuition for public universities and regional campuses is was frozen at the 2017 level. In FY 2020, the budget allows increases to in-state undergraduate tuition to two percent per year, with certain fee increases to the approval of the Department of Higher Education (DHE).

  • • The budget increases overall funding for the Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG), a need...




  • 俄亥俄
  • 兰德尔·维斯利(生物)

funding priorities for p-12 and higher education

Primary and Secondary Education

Ohio public school funding for FY 2020 and FY 2021 is expected to increase from $9.7 billion in FY 2019, to $10.08 billion and $10.11 respectively. Gov. Mike DeWine is prioritizing on "student wellness and success" by investing $650 million in FY 2020 and FY 2021 for schools to spend on mentoring, mental-health counseling, wraparound supports and after-school programs.

Higher Education

优先重点包括:负担能力,大学结业,降低机构课程的运营成本,College Credit Plus和劳动力发展。2018年的国家预算为高等教育拨款25.6亿美元,2019年拨款25.9亿美元,增长1.40%。2020财年和2021财年的高等教育经费将分别增加至26.8亿美元和27.7亿美元。预算将州内本科生的学费增长限制为每年2%,并且某些费用的增长需要高等教育部(DHE)的批准。俄亥俄州大学机会补助金(OCOG)的资金,基于需求的学生经济援助计划每年增长21.2%,至2020财年的1.223亿美元和2021财年的1.482亿美元。

p -12和高等教育的资助公式的变化


  • •俄亥俄州基金会计划为612所常规学区,49所联合职业学区和大约370所公立社区学校提供了资金。

  • •2020财年用于初等和中等教育的资金为100亿美元,2021财年的资金为101亿美元。

  • •该预算在2020财年提供了GRF资金5,720万美元,在2021财年提供了7,100万美元,分别用于基于收入的EdChoice扩张,分别增长20.0%和24.1%。这些增加额用于提供额外的奖学金,因为该计划将在2020财年扩展到6年级,并在2021财年扩展到7年级。预算保持了以前的最高金额,即每名高中生$ 6,000和每名小学生$ 4,650的EdChoice和Cleveland奖学金计划。

  • •该预算每年为新的优质社区学校支持计划提供3000万美元的彩票资金。这笔资金将按每名学生分配给指定为质量社区学校的[End Page 337]社区学校(每名经济弱势学生1750美元,每名非经济弱势学生1000美元)。

  • •根据俄亥俄教育部的说法,EdChoice奖学金计划为参加表现不佳的公立学校建筑的学生提供多达60,000个国家资助的奖学金。必须使用奖学金来满足符合计划参与要求的私立学校。目前,EdChoice的K-8年级奖学金为4650美元,9-12年级为6000美元。

  • •2020财年的特殊教育拨款为4.547亿美元,2021财年为4.55亿美元。

  • •在2019财年,职业技术教育基本拨款为960万美元,在2020财年和2021财年减少到940万美元。

  • •扩大针对学生进入私立学校的基于收入的奖学金计划。EdChoice计划预计在2019财年花费4770万美元,到2020财年将增加到5720万美元,到2021财年将增加到7100万美元,每年分别增长20%和24.1%。

  • •为社区学校(通常被称为特许学校)增加资金,为指定为质量学校的学校提供​​3000万美元的新资金。私立学校奖学金和社区学校质量奖的额外资金在两年内总计8300万美元。



  • •对于2018年和2019年,公立大学和地区校园的本科生学费被冻结在2017年的水平。在2020财年,预算允许州内本科生的学费提高到每年2%,并且某些费用需要高等教育部(DHE)的批准才能增加。

  • •预算增加了俄亥俄州大学机会补助金(OCOG)的总体资金,这是一项需要...
