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South Carolina
Journal of Education Finance ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01
Mazen Aziz, Sharda Jackson Smith

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • South Carolina
  • Mazen Aziz (bio) and Sharda Jackson Smith (bio)

funding priorities for p-12 and/or higher education

The State's FY 2020-21 budget projected a $2 billion surplus compared to the previous FY, reflecting the most considerable annual revenue growth in the State's history. However, the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak resulted in historic job losses, skyrocketing unemployment, and an economically devastating decline in tourism revenue.

The S.C. House of Representatives passed a budget proposal on March 11, 2020, with pre-pandemic surplus projections in mind. The legislators quarantined shortly after with the hope of resuming deliberations mid-September. Governor McMaster encouraged the legislature to pass a resolution keeping spending at previous fiscal year levels, to which they complied.

Currently, state legislators are facing a much reduced $7 million projected surplus and deliberate a much-tempered spending plan due to the drastic revenue loss. Deliberations will last through the end of September. What follows are budget allocations based on pre-pandemic revenue projections (i.e., a 1.2 billion surplus), which will be adjusted once the legislators ratify the final budget.


Base Student Cost

The pre-pandemic budget allocated an increase in the base-student-cost of State Aid to Classrooms by $10 from $2,489, a $416 million increase. The state formula for base-student-cost, however, requires $3,164 for a fully funded base-student-cost, which would cost $652 million.

Teacher Salaries

The budget proposed increasing teacher salaries by $3,000, bringing the minimum salary to $38,000. This seven percent increase equates to a $213 million investment in the FY 2020-21, which moves S.C. to the top 25 in national average teacher rankings from the current ranking of 41st. This investment would have brought the average increase for teacher salaries to 26 percent in the last three years and would have exceeded the southeastern average by $2,456.

4K programs

Legislators proposed $52 million in funding for 13,000 low-income four-year-old children expanding the program to the 17 districts currently not providing the programs. It also allows attendance of a full-day 4K program at public, private, parochial, or day [End Page 351] centers of a parent's choosing.

Safer Schools

The State allocated $23.4 million to place a resource officer in every school in every county, all day every day, and $1.1 million for additional counselors for classrooms to help spot problems before they start.

Classroom Relief

The pre-pandemic budget proposed $400 for every teacher to reimburse for school supplies, a ban on cell phones during classroom instruction attached to a $21.7 million base-student-cost increase, and $71 million for mandated removal of all common-core textbooks. Additionally, the pre-pandemic budget allocated $60 million in one-time money for the Department of Education for capital improvements in the poorer and rural district, $26 million for new school buses, and $5 million for the State's public charter schools.

higher edeucation

The budget introduced the "Making College Affordable Again" provision, which proposed multiple measures to ease the financial burden of attending college in the State. The measures included,

  • • $26.1 million to freeze tuition for in-state students at public universities, colleges, and technical colleges by providing a five percent increase in higher education funding.

  • • $3 million to pay 100 percent of college tuition while serving in Army/Air National Guard.

  • • Removing the cap on colleges using private donation funds for low-income scholarships

  • • A tripling of new lottery dollars for low-income scholarships. $52.2 million for need-based grants to remove financial barriers and Increase access for low-income students.

  • • A $162 million investment to repair aging campus buildings and infrastructure at state higher education institutions. Fund distribution depended on in-state students enrolled.

changes to funding formula for p-12 and/or higher education

There were no substantive changes in the funding formula beyond the increase of the base student cost.

pressing state issues affecting p-12 and/or higher education

The $2 billion surpluses will more than likely go to COVID-19 relief, which might undercut the currently budgeted increase to the base student...




  • 南卡罗来纳
  • Mazen Aziz(生物)和Sharda Jackson Smith(生物)







大流行前的预算分配给教室的国家援助基本学生费用从$ 2,489增加了$ 10,增加了4.16亿美元。但是,州基本学生成本的公式要求全额支付的基本学生成本为3,164美元,这将花费6.52亿美元。




立法者提议为13,000个低收入的四岁儿童提供5200万美元的资金,以将该计划扩展到目前未提供该计划的17个地区。它还允许在父母选择的公共,私人,教区或日间[End Page 351]中心参加全天4K计划。







  • •2610万美元用于冻结公立大学,学院和技术学院的州内学生的学费,方法是增加5%的高等教育经费。

  • •300万美元用于在陆军/空军国民警卫队任职时支付100%的大学学费。

  • •取消使用私人捐赠基金获得低收入奖学金的大学的上限

  • •低收入奖学金的新彩票资金增加了三倍。5220万美元用于基于需求的赠款,以消除财务障碍并增加低收入学生的入学率。

  • •投资1.62亿美元,修复州立高等教育机构老化的校园建筑和基础设施。资金分配取决于入学的州内学生。




