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Pivoting an Elementary Summer Reading Intervention to a Virtual Context in Response to COVID-19: An Examination of Program Transformation and Outcomes
Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR) ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1080/10824669.2021.1906250
Kristen D. Beach 1 , Erin K. Washburn 2 , Samantha A. Gesel 1 , Paula Williams 1


This exploratory investigation examined the transformation of a traditional summer reading intervention (SRI) to synchronous virtual format in response to school closures due to COVID-19. Goals were to adapt and describe the adaptation of the in-person intervention to the virtual environment, examine program outcomes, and understand tutor and caregiver perspectives of virtual SRI. SRI involved tutor training, coaching, implementation of evidence-based practices, and student access to physical and virtual learning tools. Thirty-five low-income rising second and third graders who read below grade level, 13 tutors, and five caregivers participated. In summer 2020, trained tutors implemented Sound Partners in 1:1 thirty-minute Zoom sessions for 22 days. Data included students’ pre and posttest reading outcomes, instructional fidelity, and tutor and caregiver perceptions. Key considerations for the transformation of the intervention centered on intervention content and learning environment, attendance, and tutor selection and training. Results indicated strong student attendance and tutor fidelity. Students maintained reading fluency and accuracy skills, and improved by approximately 10 percentage points on curriculum-based mastery tests (p <.001, d = 1.25 to 1.30). Tutors and caregivers reported virtual SRI was feasible and effective. Results highlight the potential for positive outcomes when SRI is provided virtually.




这项探索性调查研究了传统的夏季阅读干预(SRI)向同步虚拟格式的转换,以应对因COVID-19导致的学校停课。目标是适应和描述针对虚拟环境的面对面干预的适应性,检查程序结果,并了解虚拟SRI的导师和看护者的观点。SRI涉及导师培训,教练,基于证据的实践的实施以及学生对物理和虚拟学习工具的访问。年龄在25岁以下的35名低收入的上升中的二,三年级学生,13位家庭教师和5位看护者参加了培训。2020年夏季,训练有素的导师实施了Sound Partners在1:1的30分钟缩放会话中持续22天。数据包括学生的测试前和测试后阅读结果,教学保真度以及导师和保姆的看法。干预方式转变的关键考虑因素是干预内容和学习环境,出勤率以及导师的选择和培训。结果表明,学生的出勤率和辅导老师的忠诚度都很高。学生保持阅读流利度和准确性技能,并在基于课程的掌握测试中提高了约10个百分点(p <.001,d  = 1.25至1.30)。辅导员和看护者报告说虚拟SRI是可行和有效的。当虚拟提供SRI时,结果凸显了取得积极成果的潜力。
