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An Ecohealth approach to energy justice: Evidence from Malawi’s energy transition from biomass to electrification
Energy Research & Social Science ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101875
Rebecca Grant , Darren McCauley , Maximilian Von Maltzan , Rebecca Grattage , Evance Mwathunga

Decarbonisation is essential to limiting the electricity sector’s contributions to CO2 emissions. Simultaneously, there is recognition of the need to increase electricity access in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, such as in Malawi, with renewable energies suggested as capable of meeting these needs. However, the drive for low carbon electrification, especially in settings where biomass use for cooking is widespread, may act as a driver of new and intersecting injustices. The energy justice framework is well posited to recognise injustices which emerge across energy supply chains, though existing analysis has typically focused on single energy systems. In order to capture injustices emerging in settings of dual biomass use and hydroelectricity generation, it is necessary to consider how energy systems impact on both human health (e.g. air pollution from biomass burning) and the functionality of ecosystems (through deforestation and resulting siltation of rivers). Thus, we argue for an Ecohealth approach to energy justice research, drawing on evidence from Malawi’s transition towards electrification.



脱碳对于限制电力部门对CO 2的贡献至关重要排放。同时,人们认识到有必要在撒哈拉以南非洲的许多地区,例如在马拉维,增加电力供应,并提出可满足这些需求的可再生能源。但是,低碳电气化的驱动力,尤其是在生物质用于烹饪的广泛使用的环境中,可能会导致新的和交叉的不公正现象。尽管现有分析通常集中在单一能源系统上,但能源司法框架很适合识别能源供应链中出现的不公正现象。为了捕捉在生物质双重利用和水力发电双重使用中出现的不公正现象,有必要考虑能源系统如何影响人类健康(例如 生物量燃烧造成的空气污染)和生态系统的功能(通过森林砍伐和河流淤积)。因此,我们主张采用生态健康的方法来进行能源司法研究,并借鉴马拉维向电气化过渡的证据。
