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Estimating ambiguity fixed satellite orbit, integer clock and daily bias products for GPS L1/L2, L1/L5 and Galileo E1/E5a, E1/E5b signals
Journal of Geodesy ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s00190-021-01500-0
Bingbing Duan , Urs Hugentobler , Inga Selmke , Ningbo Wang

Ambiguity resolution of a single receiver is becoming more and more popular for precise GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) applications. To serve such an approach, dedicated satellite orbit, clock and bias products are needed. However, we need to be sure whether products based on specific frequencies and signals can be used when processing measurements of other frequencies and signals. For instance, for Galileo E5a frequency, some receivers track only the pilot signal (C5Q) while some track only the pilot-data signal (C5X). We cannot compute the differences between C5Q and C5X directly since these two signals are not tracked concurrently by any common receiver. As code measurements contribute equally as phase in the Melbourne-Wuebbena (MelWub) linear combination it is important to investigate whether C5Q and C5X can be mixed in a network to compute a common satellite MelWub bias product. By forming two network clusters tracking Q and X signals, respectively, we confirm that GPS C5Q and C5X signals cannot be mixed together. Because the bias differences between GPS C5Q and C5X can be more than half of one wide-lane cycle. Whereas, mixing of C5Q and C5X signals for Galileo satellites is possible. The RMS of satellite MelWub bias differences between Q and X cluster is about 0.01 wide-lane cycles for both E1/E5a and E1/E5b frequencies. Furthermore, we develop procedures to compute satellite integer clock and narrow-lane bias products using individual dual-frequency types. Same as the finding from previous studies, GPS satellite clock differences between L1/L2 and L1/L5 estimates exist and show a periodical behavior, with a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.7 ns after removing the daily mean difference of each satellite. For Galileo satellites, the maximum clock difference between E1/E5a and E1/E5b estimates after removing the mean value is 0.04 ns and the mean RMS of differences is 0.015 ns. This is at the same level as the noise of the carrier phase measurement in the ionosphere-free linear combination. Finally, we introduce all the estimated GPS and Galileo satellite products into PPP-AR (precise point positioning, ambiguity resolution) and Sentinel-3A satellite orbit determination. Ambiguity fixed solutions show clear improvement over float solutions. The repeatability of five ground-station coordinates show an improvement of more than 30% in the east direction when using both GPS and Galileo products. The Sentinel-3A satellite tracks only GPS L1/L2 measurements. The standard deviation (STD) of satellite laser ranging (SLR) residuals is reduced by about 10% when fixing ambiguity parameters to integer values.


估算GPS L1 / L2,L1 / L5和Galileo E1 / E5a,E1 / E5b信号的固定卫星轨道,整数时钟和每日偏差乘积

对于精确的GNSS(全球导航卫星系统)应用,单个接收器的歧义分辨率变得越来越流行。为了采用这种方法,需要专用的卫星轨道,时钟和偏置产品。但是,我们需要确定在处理其他频率和信号的测量值时是否可以使用基于特定频率和信号的产品。例如,对于伽利略E5a频率,某些接收器仅跟踪导频信号(C5Q),而某些接收器仅跟踪导频数据信号(C5X)。我们不能直接计算C5Q和C5X之间的差异,因为这两个信号不会被任何公共接收器同时跟踪。由于代码测量在Melbourne-Wuebbena(MelWub)线性组合中的相位贡献相同,因此研究C5Q和C5X是否可以在网络中混合以计算常见的卫星MelWub偏差积非常重要。通过形成分别跟踪Q和X信号的两个网络集群,我们确认GPS C5Q和C5X信号不能混合在一起。因为GPS C5Q和C5X之间的偏置差异可能超过一个宽车道周期的一半以上。而伽利略卫星可能会混合C5Q和C5X信号。对于E1 / E5a和E1 / E5b频率,Q和X簇之间的卫星MelWub偏差差的RMS约为0.01宽车道周期。此外,我们开发了使用单个双频类型来计算卫星整数时钟和窄车道偏置乘积的程序。与以前的研究结果相同,L1 / L2和L1 / L5估计值之间存在GPS卫星时钟差,并表现出周期性行为,去掉每颗卫星的每日平均差后,其峰峰值幅度为0.7 ns。对于伽利略卫星,去掉平均值之后,E1 / E5a和E1 / E5b估计值之间的最大时钟差为0.04 ns,差的平均RMS为0.015 ns。这与无电离线性组合中载波相位测量的噪声处于同一水平。最后,我们将所有估计的GPS和Galileo卫星产品引入PPP-AR(精确点定位,模糊度分辨率)和Sentinel-3A卫星轨道确定中。歧义固定解决方案显示出比浮动解决方案明显的改进。当同时使用GPS和Galileo产品时,五个地面站坐标的可重复性显示了东方向的30%以上的改进。Sentinel-3A卫星仅跟踪GPS L1 / L2测量值。将模糊度参数固定为整数值时,卫星激光测距(SLR)残差的标准偏差(STD)降低约10%。
