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Remembering the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in Elizabethan England
Studies in Philology ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-31
Christopher Archibald


The state-sanctioned murder of thousands of French Protestants in August 1572 had a profound impact on Elizabethan England's political and religious imagination. The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre was commemorated in prayers, pamphlets, poetry, and drama throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Yet Christopher Marlowe's The Massacre at Paris (1593) is routinely read as the exemplary English response to this atrocity. This article recovers the diverse range of English Protestant texts remembering the Massacre in order to reexamine the discourse of English nationhood in its European context and to revisit our understanding of Marlowe's play. Drawing upon recent work on early modern memory, it explores how these various texts manipulate affect to advance particular religiopolitical agendas. These memories negotiate a complex entanglement of confessional and political allegiances, at once identifying with their French coreligionist and distancing the foreign violence from an insular England. This article demonstrates that the Massacre played a crucial role in the literary construction of the English Protestant nation. Ultimately, it identifies Marlowe's play as a radical transformation of English remembering of the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre.




1572年8月,国家批准了数千名法国新教徒的谋杀案,对伊丽莎白女王时代英国的政治和宗教想象产生了深远影响。在整个16世纪和17世纪,以祈祷,小册子,诗歌和戏剧形式纪念圣巴塞洛缪节大屠杀。克里斯托弗·马洛(Christopher Marlowe)的《巴黎大屠杀》(1593)通常被理解为对这种暴行的典型英语回应。本文重提了纪念大屠杀的各种英语新教徒著作,以重新审视欧洲背景下的英国民族话语,并重新审视我们对马洛剧作的理解。它借鉴了有关早期现代记忆的最新研究成果,探讨了这些不同的文本如何操纵情感来推进特定的宗教政治议程。这些记忆使negotiate悔和政治效忠陷入复杂的纠缠之中,立即与他们的法国共和主义者一较高下,并使国外的暴力行为与孤立的英格兰分离开来。本文证明,大屠杀在英国新教国家的文学建构中起着至关重要的作用。最终,它标识了Marlowe'
