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Voice of the Tribes: A History of the National Tribal Chairmen's Association by Thomas A. Britten (review)
Southwestern Historical Quarterly ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-31
Mark E. DeGiovanni Miller

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Voice of the Tribes: A History of the National Tribal Chairmen's Association by Thomas A. Britten
  • Mark E. DeGiovanni Miller
Voice of the Tribes: A History of the National Tribal Chairmen's Association. By Thomas A. Britten. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2020. Pp. 240. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index.)

If remembered today, the National Tribal Chairmen's Association (NTCA) is recalled as a pawn of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), a force against change that opposed the Red Power activists of the early 1970s while serving as a force of exclusion, seeking to silence the voice of newly arising unrecognized tribes, urban Indians, and pan-Indian groups. As I revealed in my book, Claiming Tribal Identity (University of Oklahoma Press, 2013), scholars have not paid enough attention to the legitimate concerns of federally recognized tribes in seeking to protect valuable economic, political, and social capital in opposition to a chorus of competing groups seeking to speak for the "Indian people" in the modern era of tribal sovereignty and self-determination that began in the early 1970s. With this work, historian Thomas Britten has provided a valuable and nuanced examination of these contending constituencies and demands through the lens of the NTCA from its creation in 1971 to its demise during the Reagan years in 1987.

In clear prose, Britten details the efforts of the NTCA to influence developments in Indian policy during these important decades. As he notes, the chairmen's group claimed to be the only legitimate voice of Indian people due to its position as the representative body of duly elected tribal chairpersons. Until the mid-1980s when it reversed course (a stance that led to its demise, according to Britten), the NTCA strived to utilize its insider status, personal connections, and generally accommodationist strategy with the BIA (in the executive branch) and Congress to pursue its goals to improve the status of reservation-based Indians. National developments that the association influenced included helping to pass the landmark Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975 and other laws that protect Native children, trust lands, and natural resources. Britten concludes the NTCA was moderately successful in its lobbying and consulting work to defend recognized tribes from various efforts to erode tribal sovereignty posed by "backlash" groups over fishing and hunting rights, legal jurisdiction, and campaigns to end the BIA and the perceived dependency of Indian peoples on government funding.

Throughout the book, Britten attempts to offer assessments as to the efficacy of the NTCA's work in its various campaigns. As critics often noted, the association potentially was compromised and coopted because it received almost all its funding from the federal government, particularly the BIA. To this Britten argues the NTCA was able to resist cooptation due to its ability to reach out to the public and by having made itself "indispensable" to the government in providing data and information, recommendations on legislation, and meaningful consultation. However, once [End Page 503] its new executive director Elmer Savilla took charge in 1981 and took a clearly adversarial tone and stance toward the anti-tribal Reagan Administration, its funding was canceled in 1987, and the organization ceased to exist.

In its analyses regarding the impact of NTCA lobbying and political activities, the book is marred by a strong tendency to conclude with statements such as it "may never be known" or it "cannot be determined." This propensity is linked to the general absence of oral interviews, which if conducted correctly, could have rooted out the answers to these questions, given more voice to the participants, and strengthened the work overall. That said, the book is well-grounded in appropriate secondary sources as well as strong research into archival sources.

Voice of the Tribes should be on reading lists of serious students of federal Indian policy, modern Indian organizing, and tribal politics of the 1970s and 1980s. It is well written and fills an important gap in the literature on native politics during these decades.

Mark E. DeGiovanni Miller Southern Utah University Copyright © 2021 The Texas State Historical Association ...


部落之声:托马斯·A·布里顿(Thomas A. Britten)的全国部落主席协会历史(评论)



  • 部落的声音:托马斯·A·布里顿(Thomas A. Britten)的全国部落主席协会历史
  • 马克·E·德乔凡尼·米勒
部落之声:国家部落主席协会的历史。托马斯·A·布里顿(Thomas A. (诺曼:俄克拉荷马大学出版社,2020年。第240页。插图,笔记,参考书目,索引。)

如果今天还记得的话,美国全国部落主席协会(NTCA)被召回为印度事务局(BIA)的典当,这是一支反对变革的力量,在1970年代初期反对红色力量激进主义者,同时又被排斥在外,寻求使新出现的未被认可的部落,城市印第安人和泛印第安人团体的声音保持沉默。正如我在《宣称部落身份》一书中所揭示的那样(俄克拉荷马大学出版社,2013年),学者们没有充分注意联邦认可部落在保护宝贵的经济,政治和社会资本方面的正当关切,以反对试图为“印度1970年代初开始的现代部落主权和自决时代。通过这项工作,历史学家托马斯·布里顿(Thomas Britten)通过NTCA的镜头,从1971年创立到1987年里根时期的消亡,对这些竞争者和需求进行了宝贵而细微的考察。


在整本书中,Britten试图对NTCA在其各种活动中的工作效果进行评估。正如批评家经常指出的那样,该协会有可能遭到妥协并被选中,因为它几乎从联邦政府,特别是BIA获得了所有资金。对此Britten认为,NTCA能够抵制合作,因为它具有接触公众的能力,并使其在提供数据和信息,立法建议和有意义的咨询方面对政府“不可或缺”。然而,[End Page 503]新任执行董事埃尔默·萨维拉(Elmer Savilla)于1981年掌管并对反部族里根政府采取明显的敌对态度和立场后,其资金在1987年被取消,该组织不复存在。



马克·E·德乔凡尼·米勒(Mark E.DeGiovanni Miller)南犹他大学版权所有©2021德州州立历史协会...
