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Southwestern Historical Quarterly ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-31

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index
  • abortion: anti-abortion movement, in West, book about rev., 500–501; German Texan midwives and cases of, 425; Sherrill Smith on, 323, 324

  • Acosta, Teresa Palomo: book rev. by, 233–234

  • Adamietz, Constantina: as midwife, 431

  • Adams, John A., Jr.: book by noted, 75

  • African Americans: Black Jezebel trope of, 191; civil rights of, in South Texas, article about, 300–324; Diocese of Galveston-Houston (Catholic Church) desegregation, article about; 16–48; Doris Miller biography rev., 216–217; Mary Jackson's lynching (1912), article about, 182–200; midwifery and, 414, 418, 434; midwifery and, book about rev., 108–110; multiracialism, after the Civil War, book about rev., 217–218; railroad workers in World War I-era Texas, article about, 270–298; women, book about rev., 213–214; women, in civil rights movement, book about rev., 504–505. See also civil rights movement; Creoles of color; slavery

  • Agent of Change: Adela Sloss-Vento: rev., 233–234

  • agriculture: Mexican American farmers in South Texas, article about, 136–154

  • Ahlfeld, Johann Friedrich: obstetric technique of, 419–420

  • Akokisas, 404; Athanase de Mézières and, 392, 393; epidemic disease and, 398; Joseph Santoja and, 391; Nicholas de la Mathe and, 402; trade and familial networks of, 391

  • Alabama, CSS, 440, 453

  • Alamán, Lucas, 267

  • Alamo (San Antonio, Texas): cannon of, article about noted, 468; James Reeb memorial service at, 313; Sherrill Smith's speeches at, 307, 318

  • Alamo Messenger: on civil rights, 314

  • alcohol: Indian women in the temperance movement, book about rev., 218–219

  • Alegre, Manuel, 393–394, 395

  • Alexander, B. T., 310

  • Alice, Texas: Alonso S. Perales in, 114–117; Mexican Americans in, 115

  • Allen Hinojosa, Federico, 129

  • Alter, Thomas, II: book rev. by, 234–236

  • Alvarez, C. J.: book by rev., 97–98

  • American Federation of Labor (AFL): racial exclusion in, 274

  • American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO): Texas state convention (1959), 307–308. See also Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)

  • Americanization: of Mexican Americans, 126–128, 143–144, 146, 150

  • American Public Health Association (APHA): Heber Smith and founding of, 461

  • American Smelting and Refining Company (ASARCO): in El Paso, Texas, legacy of, book about rev., 367–368

  • Ammons, Albert, 174

  • Amon Carter: A Lone Star Life: award won for, 71

  • Anderson, Gary Clayton: book by rev., 338–344

  • Anderson County, Texas, 200; State of Texas v. Tennie Sneed in, 199–200

  • Andry, Luis Antonio, 376, 410

  • Andry massacre (1778), 376–378, 381, 382, 384, 390, 393, 410

  • Angelino, Ángel, 406

  • Anglos: midwifery and, 414, 417, 418–419, 420, 422, 427–428, 434, 435

  • Anna (ship): capture of, 460

  • Anointed with Oil: How Christianity and Crude Made Modern America: rev., 221–223

  • Antonio (Karankawa captive): arrest and imprisonment of, 399–400; death, 400

  • Apaches, 390, 396; Domingo Cabello y Robles and, 398; identify of, book about rev., 345–346; smallpox and, 399; Western weapons and, 391. See also Lipan Apaches

  • Apollo 18 (film), 179, 181

  • Arancibia y Hormaguei, José Ignacio, 254

  • Archdiocese of New Orleans (Catholic Church): desegregation of, 19, 26, 48

  • archeology: Texas Archeology Society (TAS) field school announced, 468

  • architecture: Mayfield Mercantile Building (Sonora, Texas), article about, 50–67; of Texas, book about noted, 74

  • Are We Good Neighbors (Perales): noted, 124

  • Argüello Vargas, Mariano, 111

  • Arizona: as borderlands, book about noted, 74; Civil War in, book about rev., 487–488; Frank and Thresa Russell's explorations of, book about rev., 491–492

  • Arkansas: immigration to, book about rev., 501–502

  • Arnold, Pete, 281

  • Arreola, Daniel D.: book by rev., 94–95

  • The Art of Texas: 250 Years: rev., 84–86

  • art and artists: Bob Camblin biography, rev., 478–479; Georgia O'Keeffe biography noted, 330; Georgia O'Keeffe's World War I letters from Texas, book about rev., 356–357; H. D. Bugbee, biography rev., 86–87; postcards, book about rev., 477–478; Swartz brothers' photographs of Texas, book about rev., 87–88; of Texas, book about rev., 84–86

  • Ashlock, Jesse, 163

  • Asian Americans: civil rights of, in the South, book about noted, 330–331; Indian and [End Page 507] Pakistanti immigration into to the United States, book about rev., 370–371

  • Association of Colored Railroad Trainmen...




  • 指数
  • 堕胎:西方的反堕胎运动,约500-501版。德国得克萨斯州助产士和案例425;谢里尔·史密斯(Sherrill Smith),电话:323、324

  • Teresa Palomo的Acosta:图书修订版 由233–234

  • 康斯坦丁娜(Constantina)的阿达米兹(Adamietz):作为助产士,431

  • 小亚当斯(约翰·A·约翰斯):名人书摘,75岁

  • 非裔美国人:191岁的黑人耶洗别(Jezebel);在南德克萨斯州的公民权利,约300-324;加尔维斯顿-休斯顿教区(天主教教堂)种族隔离,有关的文章;16–48; 多里斯·米勒(Doris Miller)传记修订版,216–217;玛丽·杰克逊(Mary Jackson)的私刑(1912年),文章大约182–200;助产士,414,418,434; 助产士,并且,关于牧师,书108-110。内战后的多种族主义,约书卷217-218。第一次世界大战时期得克萨斯州的铁路工人,文章约270-298;妇女,有关修订本,第213-214页的书;妇女,在民权运动中,是关于504-505版的书。另见民权运动;颜色的克里奥尔人;奴隶制

  • 变更代理人:Adela Sloss-Vento:修订版,233–234

  • 农业:南得克萨斯州的墨西哥裔美国人农民,文章范围:136-154

  • 约翰·弗里德里希·约翰·阿尔费尔德(Ahlfeld):产科技术,419–420

  • Akokisas,404;Athanase deMézières和392,393; 398; 约瑟夫·桑托亚(Joseph Santoja)和391;尼古拉斯·德拉马特(Nicholas de la Mathe)和402;贸易和家庭网络,391

  • 阿拉巴马州,CSS,440,453

  • 卢卡斯(阿拉斯),阿拉曼(267)

  • 阿拉莫(得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市):大炮,关于著名的文章,468;詹姆斯·里布(James Reeb)追悼会电话:313;谢里尔·史密斯(Sherrill Smith)在307、318上的讲话

  • 阿拉莫信使(Alamo Messenger):《公民权利》,第314页

  • 酒精:节制运动中的印度妇女,有关修订本,第218–219页

  • 阿雷格里(Alegre),曼努埃尔(Manuel),393-394、395

  • 亚历山大(Alexander),英国电信(310)

  • 德克萨斯州爱丽丝:Alonso S. Perales,114-117年;115名墨西哥裔美国人

  • 费德里科(Aller Hinojosa),费德里科(129)

  • 托马斯二世(Alter),第二版:图书修订版。由234–236

  • 阿尔瓦雷斯(CJ):修订本,第97-98页

  • 美国劳工联合会(AFL):《种族排斥》,第274页

  • 美国劳工联合会和工业组织代表大会(AFL-CIO):德克萨斯州公约(1959年),第307-308页。另请参阅产业组织大会(CIO)

  • 美国化:墨西哥裔美国人,126–128、143–144、146、150

  • 美国公共卫生协会(APHA):Heber Smith及其创立者461

  • 美国冶炼和精炼公司(ASARCO):得克萨斯州埃尔帕索的遗产,有关修订本,第367-368页

  • 阿尔伯斯,亚蒙斯,174岁

  • 阿蒙·卡特(Amon Carter):《孤星人生》(Lone Star Life):71获大奖

  • 安德森,加里·克莱顿(Gary Clayton):修订本,第338–344页

  • 德克萨斯州安德森县,200; Tennie斯尼德的得克萨斯州诉国家中,199-200

  • 安德里(路易斯·安东尼奥),376,410

  • 安德烈(1778),376-378、381、382、384、390、393、410

  • 安吉利诺(Anggel),安格尔(406)

  • 盎格鲁人:助产士,414,417,418-419,420,422,427-428,434,435

  • 安娜(船):被捕460

  • 涂油:基督教和原油如何造就了现代美国:Rev.,221–223

  • 安东尼奥(Karankawa俘虏):逮捕和监禁399-400年;死亡400

  • 阿帕奇(390),396; Domingo Cabello y Robles和398;确定,有关修订版345-346的书;天花和399; 西方武器和391。另请参阅Lipan Apaches

  • 阿波罗18(电影),179,181

  • 约瑟·伊格纳西奥(Amcibia y Hormaguei),荷西·伊格纳西奥(JoséIgnacio),254岁

  • 新奥尔良大主教管区(天主教堂):分离的19、26、48

  • 考古学:得克萨斯州考古学会(TAS)野外学校宣布,468

  • 建筑:梅菲尔德商业大厦(得克萨斯州索诺拉),有关50-67的文章;得克萨斯州,有关注意的书,74

  • 是我们的好邻居(Perales):注释124

  • ArgüelloVargas,马里亚诺(111)

  • 亚利桑那州:作为边疆地区,约有74本着名书籍;内战》,约487-488页,修订本;弗兰克(Frank)和特蕾莎·罗素(Thresa Russell)的探索,约491-492版

  • 阿肯色州:移民到,书号:501-502

  • 皮特·阿诺德,281

  • 丹尼尔·D·阿雷罗拉(Arreola):修订本,第94–95页

  • 德克萨斯州的艺术:250年:修订版,第84–86页

  • 艺术和艺术家:鲍勃·坎布林(Bob Camblin)传记,修订版,478–479;佐治亚·奥基夫(Georgia O'Keeffe)传记记录为330;佐治亚·奥基夫(Georgia O'Keeffe)在得克萨斯州发来的第一次世界大战的来信,约书号:356–357;HD Bugbee,传记,第86-87页;明信片,关于修订本,第477-478页;斯沃兹兄弟的得克萨斯州照片,约87-88版;的德克萨斯州,关于修订版,第84–86页的书

  • 杰西·阿什洛克(163)

  • 亚裔美国人:在南方,有关著名人物330-331的著作的公民权利;印度人和[结束第507页]巴基斯坦人移民到美国,有关修订本,第370-371页

  • 彩色铁路培训协会
