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Remembering the multilingual: translation, memory and food in Amida’s Table Fare
Perspectives ( IF 1.000 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1080/0907676x.2021.1900306
Şule Demirkol Ertürk 1


Probing the connections between cities, cultural memory, culinary traditions and translation, this article presents a case study on a recent book exploring the multicultural culinary tradition of Diyarbakır, Turkey: Amida’s Table Fare: A History of Diyarbakır in Food, by Silva Özyerli (2019). A critical analysis of the book together with its paratexts shows that food meant more than simple nourishment to the author: a means of connecting communities, furthering culture and keeping resilient. Although the book was written mainly in Turkish, this article argues that it involves translational practice at three different levels: (i) interlingual translation between various languages of the city, in the form of paraphrase, explication or literal rendering, enables the author to foreground the multilingual and multicultural character of the city; (ii) remediating the memories of a scattered community and giving visibility to its multiplicity of languages, cultures and beliefs, the book becomes a reminder of what the city has lost, which makes it a ‘counter-translation’; (iii) with its aim at creating understanding and empathy on the part of its readers, the book also presents a ‘cultural translation’. The article concludes that translation at these levels proves helpful in giving space to unheard voices and resisting oblivion.


记住多语言:Amida's Table Fare 中的翻译、记忆和食物


本文探讨了城市、文化记忆、烹饪传统和翻译之间的联系,对最近出版的一本探索土耳其迪亚巴克尔多元文化烹饪传统的书进行了案例研究:阿米达的餐桌票价:迪亚巴克尔在食物中的历史,席尔瓦·奥兹利 (Silva Özyerli)(2019 年)。对这本书及其副文本的批判性分析表明,食物对作者来说不仅仅是简单的营养:一种连接社区、促进文化和保持弹性的手段。虽然这本书主要是用土耳其语写成的,但本文认为它涉及三个不同层次的翻译实践:(i)城市各种语言之间的语际翻译,以释义、解释或直译的形式,使作者能够突出城市的多语言和多元文化特征;(ii) 修复分散社区的记忆,并展示其语言、文化和信仰的多样性,这本书提醒人们这座城市已经失去了什么,这使其成为“反翻译”;(iii) 为了让读者产生理解和同理心,这本书还提供了一种“文化翻译”。文章的结论是,这些级别的翻译被证明有助于为未听到的声音提供空间和抵制遗忘。
