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The Ethics of Transparency: A Review of Corrections Language in International Journalistic Codes of Ethics
Journal of Media Ethics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-31 , DOI: 10.1080/23736992.2021.1899826
Alyssa Appelman 1 , Kirstie E. Hettinga 2


Journalistic codes of ethics (N = 88) from 55 countries were analyzed for their discussions of errors and corrections. The sample includes codes from press councils, broadcast media outlets, newspapers, digital media outlets, radio stations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Overall, the codes were similar across countries. Most included a discussion of the error-correction process (the “how” of corrections), as well as an explanation of normative values (the “why” of corrections). Details regarding correction placement and speed were particularly common across codes. Results suggest codes that emphasize correcting harmful errors were slightly more common in the codes from countries with greater press freedom, and there was some indication that codes that provide cursory guidelines about corrections and accuracy were more likely to come from countries with less press freedom. Implications for journalists and media organizations are explored.




对来自 55 个国家的新闻道德准则 ( N = 88) 进行了分析,以讨论他们对错误和更正的讨论。样本包括来自新闻委员会、广播媒体、报纸、数字媒体、广播电台和非政府组织 (NGO) 的代码。总的来说,这些代码在不同国家是相似的。大多数包括对纠错过程的讨论(纠正的“方式”),以及对规范值的解释(纠正的“原因”)。有关校正位置和速度的详细信息在代码中尤为常见。结果表明代码强调纠正有害新闻自由度较高的国家的代码中的错误稍多一些,有迹象表明,提供有关更正和准确性的粗略指导的代码更有可能来自新闻自由度较低的国家。探讨了对记者和媒体组织的影响。
