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Sequence stratigraphy, depositional setting and evolution of the Fahliyan carbonate platform (Zagros fold-thrust belt, SW Iran) in the Early Cretaceous
Marine and Petroleum Geology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105062
Seyedabolfazl HOSSEINI , Marc Andre CONRAD , Pascal KINDLER

A regional sequence-stratigraphic framework is proposed for the Berriasian-Barremian shallow platform succession in the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt (FTB), based on outcrop sections, in combination with subsurface data. The time framework is supported by new biostratigraphic results, using benthic foraminifera, dasycladalean algae and tintinnids, calibrated by Sr-isotope data. We identified and described four large-scale sequences and sixteen small-scale sequences throughout the studied succession. Large-scale sequences occur in the Berriasian-earliest Valanginian, Valanginian, Hauterivian and early to late Barremian. Based on facies associations, a relative water depth has been assigned to distinct depositional environments. Four successive architectures were observed in the platform growth: rimmed platform during the early-middle Berriasian, isolated rimmed platform in the middle Berriasian-earliest Valanginian, non-rimmed open platform to ramp in the Valanginian, and finally a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate platform to ramp in the Hauterivian-Barremian.



