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Circular economy monitoring – How to make it apt for biological cycles?
Resources, Conservation and Recycling ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105563
Kranti Navare , Bart Muys , Karl C. Vrancken , Karel Van Acker

Circular economy (CE) principles distinguish between technical and biological cycles. Technical cycles involve the management of stocks of non-renewable abiotic resources that cannot be appropriately returned to the biosphere, whereas, biological cycles involve the flows of renewable biotic resources that can safely cycle in and out of the biosphere. Despite this distinction, existing CE monitors are typically developed for technical cycles, and focus mainly on the extent to which resources are looped back in the technosphere. These monitors seem less apt to assess the circularity of biological cycles. This study aims to identify this gap by critically reviewing the CE monitoring criteria and CE assessment tools, and evaluate if they include the four key characteristics of biological cycles.

Firstly, biotic resources, although renewable, require to be harvested sustainably. Secondly, while abiotic resources can be restored and recycled to their original quality, biotic resources degrade in quality with every subsequent use and are, hence, cascaded in use. Thirdly, biotic resources should safely return as nutrients to the biosphere to support the regeneration of ecosystems. Fourthly, biological cycles have environmental impacts due to resource extraction, resulting from land-use and resource-depletion and biogenic carbon flows. The CE monitoring criteria lack in thoroughly assessing these characteristics. With the growing demand for biotic resources, the gap in the assessment could exacerbate the overexploitation of natural resources and cause the degradation of ecosystems. The study discusses measures to bridge this gap and suggests ways to design a CE assessment framework that is also apt for biological cycles.




