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Efficient Authentication Protocol for Continuous Monitoring in Medical Sensor Networks
IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-29 , DOI: 10.1109/ojcs.2021.3055365
Bidi Ying , Nada Radwan Mohsen , Amiya Nayak

Currently, continuous monitoring on patients with the help of small devices (or sensors), is easy for doctors/nurses to check patients. Due to privacy issues, data collected from devices should be protected. Thus, a lightweight mutual authentication and key agreement protocol is required among doctors/nurses, trusted servers, sensors and patients. In this paper, we provide a secure protocol which could support continuous monitoring on patients. Firstly, user's biometrics will be used to verify users by means of continuous monitoring of physiological data (e.g., ECG signals) in which verification of the patient identity. This could prevent device theft attacks. In addition, dynamic identity is taken to provide user anonymity and mitigate against user traceability. Later, we provide informal and formal security analysis to prove that our protocol can establish a session key between the user and sensor after successfully mutually authentication. Performance analysis proved our scheme to be competitive in comparison to existing schemes relative to the added security benefits it provides.


