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How does the COVID-19 pandemic impact on population mental health? A network analysis of COVID influences on depression, anxiety and traumatic stress in the UK population
Psychological Medicine ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-16 , DOI: 10.1017/s0033291721000635
Orestis Zavlis 1 , Sarah Butter 1 , Kate Bennett 2 , Todd K Hartman 1 , Philip Hyland 3 , Liam Mason 4 , Orla McBride 5 , Jamie Murphy 5 , Jilly Gibson-Miller 1 , Liat Levita 1 , Anton P Martinez 1 , Mark Shevlin 5 , Thomas V A Stocks 1 , Frédérique Vallières 6 , Richard P Bentall 1


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emergency has led to numerous attempts to assess the impact of the pandemic on population mental health. The findings indicate an increase in depression and anxiety but have been limited by the lack of specificity about which aspects of the pandemic (e.g. viral exposure or economic threats) have led to adverse mental health outcomes.


Network analyses were conducted on data from wave 1 (N = 2025, recruited 23 March–28 March 2020) and wave 2 (N = 1406, recontacts 22 April–1 May 2020) of the COVID-19 Psychological Research Consortium Study, an online longitudinal survey of a representative sample of the UK adult population. Our models included depression (PHQ-9), generalized anxiety (GAD-7) and trauma symptoms (ITQ); and measures of COVID-specific anxiety, exposure to the virus in self and close others, as well as economic loss due to the pandemic.


A mixed graphical model at wave 1 identified a potential pathway from economic adversity to anxiety symptoms via COVID-specific anxiety. There was no association between viral exposure and symptoms. Ising network models using clinical cut-offs for symptom scores at each wave yielded similar findings, with the exception of a modest effect of viral exposure on trauma symptoms at wave 1 only. Anxiety and depression symptoms formed separate clusters at wave 1 but not wave 2.


The psychological impact of the pandemic evolved in the early phase of lockdown. COVID-related anxiety may represent the mechanism through which economic consequences of the pandemic are associated with psychiatric symptoms.


COVID-19 大流行如何影响人群心理健康?新冠肺炎对英​​国人口抑郁、焦虑和创伤性应激影响的网络分析


2019 年冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 紧急情况导致人们多次尝试评估该流行病对人群心理健康的影响。研究结果表明抑郁和焦虑有所增加,但由于缺乏关于大流行的哪些方面(例如病毒暴露或经济威胁)导致不良心理健康结果的特异性而受到限制。


对 COVID-19 心理研究联盟研究的第 1 波( N = 2025,2020 年 3 月 23 日至 3 月 28 日招募)和第 2 波( N = 1406,2020 年 4 月 22 日至 5 月 1 日重新接触)的数据进行了网络分析,该研究是一项在线研究对英国成年人口代表性样本的纵向调查。我们的模型包括抑郁症 (PHQ-9)、广泛性焦虑症 (GAD-7) 和创伤症状 (ITQ);以及针对新冠病毒特定焦虑、自身和身边他人接触病毒以及大流行造成的经济损失的衡量标准。


第一波的混合图形模型确定了通过新冠病毒特异性焦虑从经济逆境到焦虑症状的潜在途径。病毒暴露和症状之间没有关联。使用每波症状评分的临床截止值的伊辛网络模型得出了类似的结果,但病毒暴露仅对第一波的创伤症状产生了适度的影响。焦虑和抑郁症状在第 1 波中形成独立的簇,但在第 2 波中则不然。


