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Improving the safety of distracted pedestrians with in-ground flashing lights. A railway crossing field study
Journal of Safety Research ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2021.02.014
Grégoire S Larue 1 , Christopher N Watling 2 , Alexander Black 3 , Joanne M Wood 3

Introduction: Current signage at intersections is designed for attentive pedestrians who are looking ahead. Such signage may not be sufficient when distracted by smartphones. Illuminated in-ground LED lights at crossings are an innovative solution to alert distracted pedestrians. Method: We conducted a field study at a railway crossing equipped with in-ground lights to assess whether distracted pedestrians (N = 34, Mean age 33.6 ± 8.6 years) could detect these lights and how this impacted on their visual scanning and crossing behaviour. This involved a 2 × 3 repeated measures design exploring the impact of the presence (treatment) or absence (control) of in-ground lights (treatment) at a crossing, and a distractor task presented through a mobile device (none, visual, and audio) on eye movements recorded using an eye tracker, and verbal reporting of when participants detected the lights. Results: Participants engaged in the distraction tasks as evidenced by their accuracy and reaction times in all conditions. With both the audio and visual distraction tasks, participants looked at the in-ground LEDs and detected their activation as accurately as when not distracted (95%). While most participants detected the lights at their activation, visual distraction resulted in 10% of the detections occurring as participants entered the rail corridor, suggesting effectiveness in gaining pedestrians’ attention. Further, participants were significantly less likely to check for trains when visually distracted (70%), a 10% reduction compared to the no or audio distractor conditions (80% and 78% respectively). The introduction of the in-ground lights resulted in appropriate scanning of the rail tracks (77% and 78% for the visual and auditory distractor tasks respectively) similar to that of non-distracted participants for the crossing without lights (80%). Conclusions: Our findings indicate that illuminated in-ground lights could be useful in attracting the attention of distracted pedestrians at railway level crossings, and possibly at other road intersections. Practical Applications: Illuminated in-ground lights can be installed at rail and road intersections with known pedestrian distraction as a countermeasure. Further research is necessary to understand their long-term effects.



简介:目前十字路口的指示牌是为注意前方的行人而设计的。当被智能手机分心时,此类标牌可能不够用。十字路口的地面 LED 照明灯是一种创新的解决方案,可以提醒分心的行人。方法:我们在配备了地埋灯的铁路道口进行了实地研究,以评估是否有分心的行人 ( N = 34,平均年龄 33.6 ± 8.6 岁)可以检测到这些光以及这如何影响他们的视觉扫描和穿越行为。这涉及 2 × 3 重复测量设计,探索在十字路口存在(处理)或不存在(控制)地埋灯(处理)的影响,以及通过移动设备呈现的干扰任务(无、视觉和音频)使用眼动仪记录的眼球运动,以及参与者何时检测到灯光的口头报告。结果:参与者在所有条件下的准确性和反应时间都证明了他们从事分心任务。通过音频和视觉分心任务,参与者看着地下 LED 并检测到它们的激活与未分心时一样准确 (95%)。虽然大多数参与者在激活时检测到灯,但当参与者进入铁路走廊时,视觉干扰导致 10% 的检测发生,这表明在吸引行人注意方面是有效的。此外,参与者在视觉上分心时检查火车的可能性显着降低 (70%),与无干扰或音频干扰条件相比减少了 10%(分别为 80% 和 78%)。结论:我们的研究结果表明,地面照明灯有助于在铁路平交道口和其他道路交叉口吸引注意力分散的行人的注意力。实际应用:地面照明灯可以安装在铁路和公路交叉口,已知行人分心作为对策。需要进一步研究以了解其长期影响。
