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A new species of Thrissina from Pakistan (Arabian Sea), with redescription of Thrissina whiteheadi (Wongratana 1983) (Clupeiformes: Engraulidae)
Ichthyological Research ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10228-021-00799-1
Harutaka Hata , Peter N. Psomadakis , Hamid Badar Osmany , Hiroyuki Motomura

Thrissina supra sp. nov. is described based on 15 specimens collected from Sindh, Pakistan. The new species is closely related to Thrissina whiteheadi (Wongratana 1983), which is herein redescribed, both species having a relatively long upper jaw with the posterior tip slightly beyond the opercle posterior margin, the snout tip above the eye center level, similar numbers of gill rakers, ventral scutes, and fin rays, and the first supramaxilla absent. However, the former is characterized by higher counts of longitudinal scale rows (45–47 vs. 40–42 in T. whiteheadi), transverse scales (12 or 13 vs. 10 or 11), total gill rakers on the first, second, third, and fourth gill arches [35–39, 33–37, 22–24, and 18–22, respectively vs. 30–34 (rarely 36), 29–32 (34), 19–21 (23), and 15–18 (14, 19), respectively], and branched anal-fin rays [42–45 (rarely 40) vs. 39–42 (43)], a longer snout (3.7–4.1% SL vs. 3.1–3.6%), pelvic fin (9.0–10.4% SL vs. 7.7–9.0%), and mandible (17.3–18.3% SL vs. 15.4–17.2%), a shorter pelvic-fin insertion to anal-fin origin distance (17.0–18.8% SL vs. 19.1–24.2%), and distinct paired dark lines along the dorsum from the occiput to the caudal-fin base (vs. uniformly distributed dorsal melanophores).


来自巴基斯坦(阿拉伯海)的Thrissina的新种,重新命名为Thrissina whiteheadi(Wongratana 1983)(Clupeiformes:Engraulidae)

Thrissina sup。sp .。十一月 根据从巴基斯坦信德省收集的15个标本对样品进行了描述。新物种与Thrissina whiteheadi(Wongratana 1983)密切相关,在此进行了描述,这两个物种均具有相对较长的上颌,其后尖端略高于下睑后缘,鼻尖在眼中心水平以上,相似的数量。耙,腹鳍和鳍鳍,第一个上颌骨缺如。但是,前者的特征是纵向鳞片行数较高(白头T鱼为45-47比40-42)),横尺(12或13与10或11),第一,第二,第三和第四g拱上的总g耙[分别为35-39、33-37、22-24和18-22 。30–34(少见36),29–32(34),19–21(23)和15–18(14、19)]和分支的鳍片[42–45(少见40) vs. 39–42(43)],更长的鼻子(3.7–4.1%SL对3.1–3.6%),骨盆鳍(9.0–10.4%SL对7.7–9.0%)和下颌骨(17.3–18.3% SL vs. 15.4–17.2%),骨盆鳍插入到肛门鳍起点的距离更短(17.0–18.8%SL vs. 19.1–24.2%),并且沿着从枕骨到尾鳍的背侧有明显的成对的黑线。鳍基(相对于背侧均匀分布的黑色素团)。
