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Slowly Sinking Particles Underlie Dissolved Iron Transport Across the Pacific Ocean
Global Biogeochemical Cycles ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-29 , DOI: 10.1029/2020gb006823
K. Misumi 1 , J. Nishioka 2 , H. Obata 3 , D. Tsumune 1 , T. Tsubono 1 , M. C. Long 4 , K. Lindsay 4 , J. K. Moore 5

Continental shelf sediments are an important source of iron (Fe) in the oceans. Observational data suggest that basin‐scale transport of sedimentary sourced Fe accompanies the ventilation of the intermediate layer in the North Pacific. Here we use a marine biogeochemical model to explore the Fe transport mechanism with a focus on the role of sinking particles. The lateral penetration of sedimentary sourced Fe was best simulated when we assumed a short desorption and disaggregation length scale of Fe from sinking particles. The simulation results indicated that Fe is laterally transported mainly through interactions with particles with sinking velocities of 180–460 m yr−1; these velocities are two orders of magnitude slower than typical sinking rates of marine aggregates determined from mass flux measurements. Slowly sinking particles drive the basin‐scale transport of Fe by prolonging its residence time and by injecting sedimentary sourced Fe supplied originally to less dense waters into the intermediate layer water across isopycnal surfaces. A large amount of Fe from shelf sediments of the Okhotsk and Bering Seas is exported to the North Pacific through this particle interaction. These results highlight a biogeochemical linkage between the marginal seas and ocean basins that has been overlooked in global ocean models.



大陆架沉积物是海洋中铁的重要来源。观测资料表明,北太平洋中间层的通风伴随着沉积源性铁在盆地范围内的运输。在这里,我们使用海洋生物地球化学模型来探索铁的运输机制,重点是沉没颗粒的作用。当我们假设沉降颗粒中铁的解吸和解聚长度尺度很短时,最好模拟沉积源铁的横向渗透。模拟结果表明,铁主要通过与沉降速度为180–460 m yr -1的颗粒相互作用而横向输送。; 这些速度比通过质量通量测量确定的典型的海洋集料下沉速度慢两个数量级。缓慢下沉的颗粒通过延长铁的停留时间,并将原本供应给密度较小的水的沉积铁源注入等渗面的中间层水,从而驱动铁在盆地范围内的迁移。通过这种颗粒相互作用,鄂霍次克海和白令海陆架沉积物中大量的铁被出口到北太平洋。这些结果突显了边缘海与海盆之间的生物地球化学联系,这在全球海洋模型中已被忽略。