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African Journal of Ecology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1111/aje.12862

In the paper by Moshobane et al. (2020), the title ‘Patterns of permit requests and issuance regulated alien and invasive species in South Africa for the period 2015–2018’ had a missing word and should now read as follows ‘Patterns of permit requests and issuance for regulated alien and invasive species in South Africa for the period 2015–2018’.

In Table 1, column 1, Titled: Taxa, Mammal Species (MS) has been added under Marine Invertebrate Species (MIS).

In Table 1, column 2, Titled: Species, Addax nasomaculatus has been replaced with Tragelaphusspekii in Mammal Species (MS).



在 Moshobane 等人的论文中。( 2020 ),标题“2015-2018 年南非受管制外来和入侵物种的许可证申请和发放模式”缺少一个单词,现在应改为“受管制外来和入侵物种的许可证申请和发放模式” 2015-2018 年南非的物种。

在表 1 第 1 列中,标题为:类群、哺乳动物物种 (MS) 已添加到海洋无脊椎动物物种 (MIS) 下。

在表 1 第 2 栏,标题为“物种”中,哺乳动物物种 (MS) 中的Addax nasomaculatus已替换为Tragelaphusspekii 。
