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Marie Mancini Writing for Her Life
Early Modern French Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1080/20563035.2021.1898863
Sarah Nelson 1

If Marie Mancini, niece of Louis XIV's chief minister Cardinal Mazarin, has come down through the ages, it has been because of her youthful love affair with the king and the scandal she caused later. She and her sister Hortense fled their marriages and travelled together and separately – but unaccompanied by the train their station demanded and unauthorised by their husbands – across western Europe. They sought merely an independent existence. Marie Mancini was a reader, writer, and précieuse, but her surviving writings were produced in service of her real-life circumstances. This article explores Marie's tactics in pursuit of autonomy. It examines her delicate position as she sought to argue her case; it maps the strategy of her published memoir and describes the particularity of her authorial voice; and it takes the measure of her success in staking a claim, both in her own time and in ours.



如果说路易十四首席大臣红衣主教马扎林红衣主教的侄女玛丽曼奇尼世世代代流传下来,那是因为她年轻时与国王的恋情以及她后来引发的丑闻。她和她的妹妹霍滕斯逃离了他们的婚姻,一起或分开旅行——但没有乘坐他们的车站要求且未经丈夫许可的火车——穿越西欧。他们只是寻求一种独立的存在。玛丽·曼奇尼 (Marie Mancini) 是一位读者、作家和贵族,但她幸存的作品是为她的现实生活环境而创作的。本文探讨了玛丽追求自治的策略。当她试图为自己的案子辩护时,它审视了她微妙的立场;它描绘了她出版的回忆录的策略,并描述了她作者声音的特殊性;它需要衡量她在她自己的时间和我们的时间里取得成功的成功。
