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Pliocene Albizia (Fabaceae) from Jharkhand, eastern India: reappraisal of its biogeography during the Cenozoic in Southeast Asia
Palaeoworld ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.palwor.2021.03.004
Taposhi Hazra 1 , Manoshi Hazra 1, 2 , Robert A. Spicer 3, 4 , Teresa E.V. Spicer 3 , Sumana Mahato 1 , Subir Bera 5 , Sanchita Kumar 1 , Mahasin Ali Khan 1

Albizia, a diverse tree genus, occupies monsoonal warm humid rain forests in tropical and subtropical regions. We recovered a well-preserved compound fossil leaf and two fossil fruits of Albizia (Fabaceae) from the latest Neogene (Rajdanda Formation: Pliocene) sediments of Jharkhand of the Chotanagpur Plateau, eastern India. On the basis of the architectural features of the fossil leaf, a new species is established as A. mahuadanrensis Hazra, Hazra and Khan, n. sp., characterised by a bipinnate, compound leaf having a rachis bearing opposite, asymmetrically ovate to sub-rhomboid leaflets, pulvinus on leaflet petiolule and brochiodromous secondary veins. Based on both morphological and anatomical characters of the fossil fruits, A. palaeoprocera Hazra, Hazra and Khan, n. sp. is erected, characterised by flattened to broadly linear shaped, wingless fruits; ovate-elliptic shaped seed chambers having ellipsoidal seeds in one series; irregularly polygonal to rectangular epidermal cells with oblique end walls and randomly oriented, scattered, paracytic stomata. Analysis of Albizia fossil occurrences indicates that the legume taxon was common in Neogene forests of India and elsewhere. The present-day distribution of the closely affiliated modern species of the fossil taxa indicates a warm and humid tropical environment during the time of deposition. We also review the biogeographic history of Albizia in India and other Asian countries.



合欢是一种多样化的树属,占据热带和亚热带地区的季风温暖湿润雨林。我们从印度东部乔塔纳格布尔高原贾坎德邦最新的新近纪(Rajdanda 组:上新世)沉积物中发现了一块保存完好的复合化石叶子和两块合欢(豆科)的化石果实。根据化石叶的建筑特征,建立了一个新物种A . mahuadanrensis Hazra, Hazra and Khan, n. sp.,特征为二羽状复叶,具有对生的轴,不对称卵形至近菱形的小叶,小叶叶柄上的枕状叶和有腋下的次脉。基于化石果实的形态和解剖特征,A. palaeoprocera Hazra,Hazra 和 Khan,n。sp。直立,特征是扁平至宽线形,无翅果实;卵形椭圆形种子室,具有一系列椭圆形种子;不规则的多边形到矩形的表皮细胞,具有倾斜的端壁和随机定向的散在的副细胞气孔。对合欢化石的分析表明,豆科植物分类群在印度和其他地方的新近纪森林中很常见。化石类群密切相关的现代物种的现今分布表明在沉积期间存在温暖潮湿的热带环境。我们还回顾了印度和其他亚洲国家合欢树的生物地理历史。
