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Characteristics of Idiopathic Sensory Processing Disorder in Young Children
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-29 , DOI: 10.3389/fnint.2021.647928
Shelley Mulligan , Sarah Douglas , Caitlin Armstrong

This study described the developmental and behavioral characteristics of children identified with idiopathic sensory processing disorder (SPD) as well as the relations among specific types of SPD, adaptive behavior profiles, and psychosocial-emotional functioning. A retrospective, non-experimental design applying descriptive and correlational analyses was used. Data were obtained from clinic medical records of 78 children ages 2 to 7 years who were identified with sensory processing problems affecting daily life, but who did not meet criteria for any other neurodevelopmental or mental disorders following a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. Results revealed that all SPD types as described by current typologies were well represented with the most common being the over-responsivity sensory modulation subtype. Within the sample, 53% of the children displayed more than one SPD type. Atypical externalizing and internalizing behavior scores associated with various mental disorders fell in the borderline dysfunctional range. Adaptive behavior for all developmental domains was below average, and the severity of SPD symptoms moderately and positively correlated with behaviors associated with mental disorders, and with lower adaptive behavior performance. It was concluded that symptoms characteristic of the various types of idiopathic SPD overlap substantially suggesting that current typologies may include more types/subtypes than are necessary or clinically useful. Children with SPD share similar, but often less severe pathological behaviors associated with other mental or related neurodevelopmental disorders. Psychometrically sound measures of SPD are needed, and further study of the neural mechanisms involved in sensory processing deficits is vital for validating idiopathic SPD as its own a diagnostic entity.



这项研究描述了患有特发性感觉加工障碍(SPD)的儿童的发育和行为特征,以及特定类型的SPD,适应性行为特征和心理社会情感功能之间的关系。采用描述性和相关性分析的回顾性,非实验性设计。数据来自78位2至7岁儿童的临床医疗记录,这些儿童被确定具有影响日常生活的感觉加工问题,但经过全面的诊断评估后未达到任何其他神经发育或精神障碍的标准。结果表明,当前类型学所描述的所有SPD类型都得到了很好的体现,其中最常见的是过反应性感官调制亚型。在样本中 53%的孩子表现出一种以上的SPD类型。与各种精神障碍相关的非典型外在和内在行为得分均落在临界功能障碍范围之内。所有发展领域的适应行为均低于平均水平,SPD症状的严重程度与与精神障碍相关的行为适度且呈正相关,与适应行为的表现较低。得出的结论是,各种类型的特发性SPD的症状特征基本重叠,这表明当前的类型可能包括比必要或临床有用的类型/亚型更多的类型/亚型。患有SPD的儿童具有与其他精神或相关神经发育障碍相关的相似但通常不太严重的病理行为。需要心理上合理的SPD度量,