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Surge and Swab Pressure Calculation Considering Casing Coupling
Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s10553-021-01236-9
Zhong Wenjian , Li Guangqiao , Liu Biao , Chen Xiuping , Sun Tengfei

The control of surge and swab pressure is an important guarantee to maintain the safety, cost savings, and high efficiency of well control operation, so the calculation of surge and swab pressure is very important. If the drilling speed is not properly handled, it may cause a blowout, surge and swab pressure losses, and wellbore fluid losses during the drilling process. To avoid the occurrence of complicated downhole conditions in the drilling process, the surge and swab pressure should be calculated with high accuracy. In this paper, we have considered the effect of casing coupling in the calculations of the surge and swab pressure. A case study shows that when the impact of coupling is taken into consideration, the calculated surge and swab pressure value is higher than that ignoring the coupling. Therefore, neglecting the impact of coupling could cause a significant error when calculating the surge and swab pressure.



