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Evaluating poetry on COVID-19: attitudes of poetry readers toward corona poems
Journal of Poetry Therapy ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-29 , DOI: 10.1080/08893675.2021.1899630
Jeroen Dera 1


This article poses the research question of how readers of poetry react to the phenomenon of “corona poetry” by assessing their attitude toward poems on Covid-19, especially focusing on the specific arguments these readers put to the fore. These arguments are interpreted in light of the opposition between autonomous and heteronomous poetry, thus revealing whether readers of poetry primarily affirm the idea that a poem is a linguistic work of art, or rather evaluate the genre in terms of its social, ideological or therapeutic function.

By analyzing the results of a questionnaire that has been disseminated among readers of poetry in the Netherlands and Belgium, the article demonstrates that the attitude toward corona poems is primarily negative, although it becomes clear that many readers use poetry to deal with the global crisis. In readers’ reflections on corona poetry, heteronomous arguments seem to prevail over autonomous arguments.




本文提出了一个研究问题,即诗歌读者如何通过评估他们对Covid-19上的诗歌的态度来应对“电晕诗歌”现象,特别是着重于这些读者提出的具体论点。这些论点是根据自治诗歌和异类诗歌之间的对立进行解释的,从而揭示了诗歌的读者是否主要肯定一首诗是一种语言艺术作品,还是根据其社会,意识形态或治疗功能对其类型进行评估。 。

