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Disabilities Portrayed in Picturebooks with the Américas Book Award
Journal of Latinos and Education ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-28 , DOI: 10.1080/15348431.2021.1906876
Sohyun Meacham 1


This study analyzed how disabilities were portrayed in picturebooks with the Américas Book Award to address the intersectionality of LatinX racial identity and disabilities. The pool of 41 picturebooks recognized by the Américas Book from 1993 to 2020 was used as the data for our systematic content analysis. Then 22 picturebooks developmentally appropriate for PreK-2nd Grade children were selected from this pool. Then six picturebooks were further analyzed as they portrayed characters with any disabilities. Only three characters whose presence impacted the story were identified to have a disability. The characters with disabilities and the types of disabilities were represented disproportionately in the books compared to the general PreK-2 population with disabilities in the United States. Four characters exhibited an orthopedic impairment, one was with emotional disturbance, and one was with a visual impairment. More materials that mirror LatinX children characters with disabilities are needed in the U.S.




这项研究分析了美洲图书奖图画书中如何描绘残疾,以解决拉丁裔种族身份和残疾的交叉问题。我们使用1993年至2020年美洲图书认可的41本图画书作为我们系统内容分析的数据。然后是 22 本适合 PreK-2 nd发展的图画书年级的孩子就是从这个池子里选出来的。然后对六本描绘残疾人物的图画书进行了进一步分析。只有三个对故事产生影响的角色被确定患有残疾。与美国 PreK-2 残疾人群相比,书中残疾角色和残疾类型的比例不成比例。四名角色表现出骨科损伤,一名患有情绪障碍,一名患有视力障碍。美国需要更多反映拉丁裔残疾儿童角色的材料
