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Technology, subsistence, and mobility of Middle to Late Holocene hunter-gatherers in the southern Pampas: new archaeological data from Las Toscas shallow lake (Argentina)
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-021-01314-3
Agustina Massigoge , Daniel J. Rafuse , Juan M. Rodríguez , Rocío F. Torino , Cristian M. Favier Dubois

Despite a long history of hunter-gatherer occupation in the Pampas region starting at the end of the Pleistocene, the known archaeological record is still sparse for some periods, such as the Middle Holocene. Here, we present new archaeological data from Las Toscas shallow lake, located in the inland plains of the southern Pampas, where systematic fieldwork revealed an abundant and diverse archaeological record resulting from hunter-gatherer occupation. The aims of this study were to establish the chronology of the occupations; to evaluate the use of faunal and lithic resources; and to contribute to the understanding of hunter-gatherer land use patterns. Archaeological evidence indicates that procurement, domestic, and ritual activities were conducted around the shallow lake during the Middle and Late Holocene, including hunting of terrestrial game; tool manufacture and repair; storing and use of mineral pigments; and likely human burial practices. Evidence also suggests that the use of this locality was not continuous but redundant and that this shallow lake was a persistent place for hunter-gatherers. Faunal data agrees with regional models that propose that Lama guanicoe was the main food resource during the second half of the Middle Holocene, although a taphonomic bias in favor of larger vertebrates cannot be ruled out. The lithic assemblages suggest that artifacts entered the locality mostly as part of individual toolkits and indicate a strong preference for orthoquartzite. Finally, bone remains of extinct fauna were recovered at the locality; however, a functional association between these remains and cultural material could not be demonstrated.



尽管从更新世末期开始在潘帕斯地区从事狩猎和采集工作已有悠久的历史,但已知的考古记录在某些时期仍很稀少,例如中全新世。在这里,我们介绍了位于南部潘帕斯州内陆平原上的Las Toscas浅湖的新考古学数据,在该系统的田野调查中,我们发现了猎人-采集者的占领所带来的丰富多样的考古记录。这项研究的目的是确定职业的年代。评估动植物资源的利用;并有助于了解猎人-采集者的土地使用方式。考古证据表明,在全新世中期和晚期,在浅湖附近进行了采购,家庭和仪式活动,包括狩猎地面游戏;工具制造和维修;储存和使用矿物颜料;以及可能的人类埋葬习惯。证据还表明,这种地方的使用不是连续的,而是多余的,而且这个浅水湖是狩猎者和采集者的不二之选。Faunal数据与提出以下建议的区域模型一致:尽管不能排除有利于大型脊椎动物的物种学上的偏见,但在新世中期的后半期,喇嘛鸟粪是主要的食物资源。石器组合表明,人工制品主要是作为单个工具包的一部分进入该地区的,并且表明对原方石英岩的强烈偏好。最后,在当地恢复了灭绝动物的骨骸;然而,这些遗迹与文化材料之间的功能联系尚无法证明。
