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Assessment of acceptability and nutrient content of palm weevil (Rhyncophorus phoenicis) larvae enriched complementary foods
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s42690-021-00487-7
Oladejo Thomas Adepoju , Agnes Oke Ayenitaju

At age of 6 months, breast-fed infants are expected to be introduced to complementary foods which are diverse and rich in micronutrients. However, traditional complementary foods commonly fed to infants in many parts of developing countries are mainly plant based, energy dense and deficient in essential nutrients needed for a child’s growth and development. This study was carried out to assess the nutrient composition and acceptability of Rhyncophorus phoenicis larvae-enriched complementary foods. Rhyncophorus phoenicis (RP) larvae were purchased from farmers in Okitipupa, Ondo State; maize and sorghum grains were purchased at Bodija market, Ibadan Oyo State. The larvae were sorted, gutted, washed, oven roasted at 1200C for 20 min, and grinded into powder. Sorghum and maize were sorted and fermented with distilled water for three days at room temperature. Fermented maize and sorghum were milled separately, sieved, drained, air-dried and blended into flour. Roasted RP larva powder was added to the maize and sorghum flours separately at 10%, 15% and 20% protein inclusion levels. All samples were analyzed chemically using standard methods of the AOAC. Sensory evaluation of prepared paps from RP larvae-enriched complementary foods was carried out among 40 nursing mothers on 7-point hedonic scale. Data were analyzed using means, ANOVA, Fisher’s Least Significance Difference and Duncan multiple range tests at p < 0.05. Roasted RP larvae contained 49.9 g protein, 21.7 g fat, 318.33 mg potassium, 102.00 mg calcium, 294.00 mg magnesium, 181.00 mg phosphorus, and 483.89 kcal energy/100 g sample. Addition of RP larvae powder to fermented maize and sorghum flours significantly increased the macro and micronutrients of enriched complementary foods (p < 0.05), hence, its inclusion can improve the nutritional quality of complementary foods.
