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Lamniform vertebrae from the Aptian-Albian Marne a Fucoidi of Umbria-Marche Domain (central Italy)
Cretaceous Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104832
Marco Romano , Paolo Citton , Angelo Cipriani , Simone Fabbi , Ferdinando Spanò , Giuseppe Marramà , Giorgio Carnevale

The elasmobranch fossil record is essentially represented by isolated teeth due to high fossilization potential of hard dental components. Conversely, the cartilaginous skeletal elements, even though mineralized, are less prone to survive to the biostratinomic and diagenetic processes with negative implications in our understanding of the evolution of the elasmobranch skeletal anatomy. Even if fossil shark taxonomy is almost based on tooth characters, fossil vertebrae can provide useful information concerning the age, ontogenetic stage, and total length of the individual, along with crucial taphonomical and paleoecological information. In the present contribution we report and describe the first occurrence of lamniform vertebrae from the Cretaceous of the Umbria-Marche Domain (Central Italy), from the Aptian–Albian Marne a Fucoidi cropping out at Mt Nerone (Umbria-Marche Ridge, Northern Apennines, Italy). Although the material is solely represented by ten vertebrae (four found semi-articulated), the presence of well-calcified, amphicoelous, and slightly dorso-ventrally compressed centra having notochordal spaces constricted and reduced to intervertebral lenses confidently support their attribution to the group of lamniform sharks. In addition to taphonomic considerations, we have tried to provide a possible age for the individual and to estimate the minimum total length for the entire body. Based on the general morphology of the centra, size and annual growth bands, the preserved material can be referred to a small-medium sized fusiform and pelagic lamniform shark, with a body length reaching not less than 1.59 m, and being characterized by an approximately sub-circular trunk area, and a moderately fast swimming and consistent maneuverability. Considering the relative scarcity of shark vertebral remains in the fossil record, the material described herein represents an important source of information for the paleobiology of the Umbria-Marche Domain of Central Italy during the Cretaceous period.



弹性分支化石记录主要由孤立的牙齿代表,这是由于坚硬的牙齿成分具有很高的化石潜力。相反,软骨骨骼元素即使被矿化,也不太容易存活到生物地层学和成岩作用过程中,这对我们对弹性分支骨骼解剖结构的理解具有负面影响。即使化石鲨鱼的分类学几乎是基于牙齿的特征,化石椎骨也可以提供有关个体的年龄,个体发育阶段和总长度的有用信息,以及重要的分类学和古生态学信息。在本文稿中,我们报告并描述了翁布里亚-马尔什域白垩纪(意大利中部)的首次出现的层状椎骨,来自Aptian–Albian Marne的Fucoidi在Nerone山(意大利亚平宁山脉的翁布里亚-马尔什里奇)上播种。尽管该材料仅由十个椎骨代表(四个半铰接),但钙化,两栖性和略受背腹侧压缩的中央存在,脊索空间狭窄并缩小为椎间盘,从而有把握地支持其归因于该组。层状鲨鱼。除了对人口学的考虑外,我们还尝试为个体提供可能的年龄,并估计整个身体的最小总长度。根据中心的形态,大小和年生长带,可以将保存的材料称为中型梭状和浮游类鲨鱼,体长不小于1.59 m,并具有一个大致呈圆形的躯干区域,适度的快速游泳和始终如一的机动性。考虑到化石记录中鲨鱼椎骨残留的相对稀缺性,本文所述材料代表了白垩纪时期意大利中部翁布里亚-马尔什域古生物学的重要信息来源。
