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Tree growth, production and huanglongbing incidence of sweet orange varieties using different nursery tree standards
Scientia Horticulturae ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110023
Camilla de Andrade Pacheco , Alécio Souza Moreira , Eduardo Augusto Girardi , Renato Beozzo Bassanezi , Eduardo Sanches Stuchi

Insect-proof propagation of citrus is recommended to prevent vector-transmitted pathogens such as Candidatus Liberibacter spp. and Xylella fastidiosa. Although larger nursery trees were related to a superior post-planting performance in other perennial crops, there are few studies on citrus. This fact motivated us to evaluate the tree growth, the fruit production, and the huanglongbing (HLB) incidence of four commercial sweet orange varieties (‘Valencia Late’, ‘Hamlin’, ‘Pera’ and ‘Folha Murcha’) using two nursery tree standards (young whip and large headed trees). Eight years after planting, the tree size was similar between the evaluated treatments, especially for more vigorous varieties. However, large headed trees anticipated and increased the cumulative production by 30 % in average, which can improve the performance of reset trees in particular. Regardless the nursery tree standard and sweet orange variety, the cumulative incidence of HLB was relatively high over eight years. Therefore, a strict control of the vector should be reinforced in the field irrespectively of these factors.



建议柑橘防虫传播,以防止媒介传播病原体如暂定Liberibacter属。和小木杆菌。尽管较大的苗木与其他多年生作物的优异的播种后性能有关,但很少有关于柑橘的研究。这一事实促使我们使用两棵苗圃树评估四种商品甜橙品种(“ Valencia Late”,“ Hamlin”,“ Pera”和“ Folha Murcha”)的树木生长,果实产量以及黄龙病(HLB)发生率。标准(幼鞭和大头树)。种植八年后,评估处理之间的树木大小相似,尤其是对于更有活力的树种。但是,预计大头乔木平均可使平均产量提高30%,这尤其可以提高复位树的性能。无论苗圃标准和甜橙品种如何,HLB的累积发生率在八年中都相对较高。所以,
